Impact Wrestling Results (8/16) – New KO Debut, Aces and Eights Attacks ‘Unlikely’ Wrestler, Roode Quits?

Bound For Glory Series
Christopher Daniels (w/ Kazarian) vs AJ Styles

The referee ejects Kaz from ringside, then the bell rings and Daniels begs AJ off and runs around the ring trying to get away from him. Daniels rolls back inside and tries to steal a pin, but AJ kicks out and repeatedly chops him in the corner before bodyslamming him. AJ hits a diving kneedrop, then he stomps Daniels in the corner and elbows him in the back of the head. Daniels rolls outside and tries to regain his composure, but AJ follows him outside and punches him a few times befor sending him back in the ring.

AJ hits a back body drop and a clothesline for two, then Daniels tries to beg him off as we go to a commercial break. We get back to see Daniels applying a headlock, but AJ sends him into the ropes and hits a dropkick for a two count. AJ puts him in a bridging deathlock, then he readjusts his grasp and puts him in a single leg Boston Crab before going back to the deathlock. Daniels bites his hand to break the hold, then he kicks AJ outside and tells the ref to count. AJ makes it back in so Daniels measures him up for a kick to the ribs, then he hits a suplex and a side slam for another near fall.

Daniels goes for a pin using the ropes but he gets caught, then he throws AJ to the floor and tells the ref to count. AJ gets on the apron and tries to get back in, but Daniels kicks him into the barricade and watches as the ref's count gets all the way to seven. AJ rolls in the ring and gets some offense in, then he goes for a Styles Clash but Daniels counters and puts him in a Koji Clutch variation in the middle of the ring. AJ tries to break the hold so Daniels suplexes him for a near fall, then he sends AJ into the corner and hits some mounted punches. He taunts AJ after hitting him a few times, then AJ counters with a running powerbomb and both guys use the ropes to pull themselves up in the corner. (Cont'd…)