Impact Wrestling Results (8/16) – New KO Debut, Aces and Eights Attacks ‘Unlikely’ Wrestler, Roode Quits?

Bound For Glory Series

Samoa Joe vs Magnus

Magnus applies a side headlock but Joe breaks it, then he goes for a back splash but Magnus rolls away so Joe goes for an armbar. Magnus rolls outside and Joe says he almost got him, then Magnus gets back in and Joe puts him in a hammerlock in the corner. Joe hits him with a hard forearm shot, then Magnus comes back with a boot to the head for a two count. Magnus sends him into the ropes but Joe kicks him in the head, then Joe hits the ropes but Magnus drops him with a clothesline.

Magnus calls for him to get up, then he hits a fallaway release slam for two then Joe sends him into the corner. Joe sets up for a Muscle Buster but Magnus avoids it, then he runs at Joe in the corner and gets caught offguard with a Uranage slam. Joe puts him in the Kokina Clutch and Magnus kicks off the turnbuckles to break it, but Joe hits the mat and rolls through to take the win. Magnus refuses Joe's help after the match and Joe walks away, then Magnus hits him in the arm with a chair and backs away as Joe gets up off the ground.

Winner – Samoa Joe

Madison Rayne is talking about righting a wrong this past Sunday, and she says they saw an excellent match and she hasn't been champion isn over a year. She continues to talk herself up when a crew member walks over, and he says Brooke Hogan wants to see her in the ring, so she assumes it's her victory party. Madison comes out and says Brooke Hogan made a special request to see her and she hopes there's cake, but she needs to thank someone first. She says there's a great referee behind every woman, and she couldn't do it without him so she wants Earl Hebner to join her in the ring. (Cont'd…)


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