WWE No Way Out

WWE No Way Out Results – June 17, 2012


WWE No Way Out PPV Opener:



The PPV opens with a video package highlighting the recent past of John Laurinaitis, Big Show, John Cena and Vince McMahon, as well as the possible firings that will happen tonight.



From there, we go live into the IZOD Arena where Michael Cole introduces us to tonight’s show and further previews some of tonight’s top matches.



World Title: Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler



From there we head right to live championship action as the World Heavyweight Title match will begin tonight’s show. Once the match began, Ziggler kissed Vickie Guerrero on the apron. And in a move avoiding a WrestleMania sort of recall, Ziggler nearly turned around into an immediate Brogue Kick after the kiss, but managed to avoid it. The first serious nearfall after that came when Sheamus hit a big DDT for a two-count. Later on, Ziggler locks in a chin lock on Sheamus, while simaltaneously doing a hand stand. A cool spot happened where Ziggler was on Sheamus’ shoulders and came off them landing into a DDT on Sheamus for a nearfall. Ziggler hits the Fameasser a while later for a nearfall that the crowd bought into. Ziggler had a few other close nearfalls until Sheamus finally hit the Irish Curse, the White Noise, and finally the Brogue Kick to score the pin and retain his title.



Winner: Sheamus



Backstage: Vince McMahon & John Laurinaitis



Backstage, Vince McMahon is shown walking. John Laurinaitis catches up to him and said he knows Vince has a concussion and that it would maybe be best if he didn’t go to ringside tonight. He also said he hopes their business relationship will grow after Big Show is victorious. Laurinaitis tries following Vince into his dressing room, but Vince stops him and closes the door in his face.