TNA “Bound For Glory” PPV Results – October 16, 2011

4-Way TNA Knockouts Title Match- Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James vs. Winter (w/ Angelina Love)

Special guest referee Karen Jarrett announces the match after all the ladies have made their entrances and are in the ring. The bell rings and the match begins. Madison Rayne and Winter are shown arguing in the center of the ring as referee Karen Jarrett steps between the ladies and seperates them. Both women make their way to their corners for the tag. Angelina Love throws a water bottle containing who knows what to Winter, who attempts to spit the liquid into Rayne's eyes only to end up in referee Karen Jarrett's eyes. Mickie hits a nice tornado DDT and would have gotten the pin only Karen was unable to see or count it. Traci Brooks comes running down the ramp from backstage as Velvet performed a facebuster on Madison for the three count by Traci Brooks as Karen Jarrett is still in the corner trying to rub the substance out of her eyes.

Winner: Velvet Sky


Kazarian is shown being interviewed by Jeremy Borash backstage. Kazarian talks about his excitement for Bobby Roode who Kazarian considers to be a lot like himself, one of only a few men left in the company as such. Kazarian says Roode has stuck it out just as Kazarian would have. Kazarian then begins to speak on A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels as the video clip airs for the next match-up.

I Quit Match- A.J. Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

Out first is Christopher Daniels who makes his way down the ramp and into the ring as his music sounds in the arena. Next is A.J. Styles who quickly makes his way down the ramp and into the ring for the night's "I Quit" match. Styles picks up the microphone and shoves it into Daniels face asking him to quit. Daniels replies, "Why don't you suck my…" as Styles cuts him off saying "suck this" as he shoves the microphone into Daniel's mouth. Styles attempted a submission move on Daniels, who was able to break free, moving the match to ringside. Daniels pulls out a toolbox from underneath the ring and grabs a large wrench that he throws at Styles. Styles is able to move out of the way just in time for the wrench to slam into the ring stairs. Daniels then grabs a screwdriver that he brings inside the ring and tries to stab Styles with it. Once again Styles is able to avoid any contact with the screwdriver. The fight once again made it's way to ringside where Daniels asks Styles to quit. "No? Okay then," Daniels says as he pulls Styles back inside the ring where he dominates over Styles. Styles continuously refuses to quit as he takes more of a beating from Daniels. Daniels hits a moonsault on the back of Styles. Daniels locks Styles in a half crab. He eventually reaches the ropes to break it. Daniels sits on a chair over top of Styles. He tells him on the mic that everything he was given in TNA is now his. That the fans like him more, etc. He says he never wanted him to say the words, he just wanted to beat his brains in. He promised to tell Styles' wife that his last words were "I Love You." The crowd breaks out into a "shut the f-up" chant. Daniels looks into the camera and tells Styles' wife to get the kids away from the TV. Styles ends up making his big comeback. Styles hits the Pele and Styles Clash. He pulls the screwdriver out of the turnbuckle and Daniels says he quits and runs away.

Winner: A.J. Styles

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