ROH Champion Compliments WWE, Wants CM Punk, More

The "Future Endeavors" show recently did an interview with ROH World Champion Davey Richards. Here is a recap of the interview….

– Davey's reaction to winning the ROH world title

– His background in MMA

– Would he ever go to WWE or TNA

"If I had my choice, I would finish off my two years with Ring of Honor, and then I would actually like to sign a contract with New Japan."
– His thoughts on his new ROH deal
– Feelings on wrestling a short match
"I don't think I know how to wrestle a 5 minute match. I don't feel warmed up until 10-15 minutes in."
– On people who say wrestling is fake
"I'm an athlete. Nothing has ever been harder physically and mentally than professional wrestling." "There's nothing more real than what goes on in that ring."
– Does he watch TNA or WWE
 "i've never seen a TNA episode."
On WWE: "Right now I think their product is awesome."
– Being called the best in the world
"I don't think I'm the best in the world…..I would love to wrestle CM Punk somewhere down the road."
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