Corino Interview, Lethal, VKM, Nunzio, Upcoming Weekend Shows



–For immediate release 6/10/09


ISPW General Manager "Mr. Personality" Nicholas Nice has made two huge announcements concerning the twenty-man Summer Rumble match taking place on Saturday evening, July 11th, 2009 at the ISPW Arena (3-2 Count Athletic Training Facility) located on 323A Fairfield Road in Freehold, NJ. After the recent events of Danny Inferno winning the ISPW World Heavyweight Championship in his retirement match, the ISPW Championship is now vacant and whoever wins the Summer Rumble match will be crowned the new ISPW World Heavyweight Champion. Every two minutes a new competitor will enter the match. A participant will be eliminated from the match once they have been thrown over the top rope and their feet have hit the floor. The last man standing in the center of the ring at the end of the match will be declared the winner and new ISPW Champion.


However, the rules have been greatly changed for the first two participants of this match. Last week, GM Nice announced he would randomly be picking the first two contestants for Summer Rumble. He has done so, and oddly enough, Nunzio’s name came out as entrant number one. This seems just a little too fishy to everyone here in ISPW as GM Nice has been trying to run Nunzio out of the company ever since the ISPW: The Return show back in April. We here at ISPW had a gut feeling that Nunzio would be one of the first two wrestlers picked once Nice made this announcement last week. Surely enough we were right and this comes as no surprise to both the ISPW wrestlers and fans.


What is a surprise though was that Judas Young was picked as entrant number two for Summer Rumble. Young has come inches away from winning the ISPW World Heavyweight Championship the past few events. Back in April, Josh Daniels came out and stole the title in an epic TLC match between Young and Inferno. Back on May 30th, Young had the match won several times only to be distracted by Sunny, who was in Daniels’ corner. Now Young is faced with the disadvantage of being one of the first two participants in Summer Rumble on July 11th.

If it’s not a big enough disadvantage to be one of the first two participants in such an important match like this, GM Nice has just put a huge roadblock in front of both Nunzio and Young. Nice has announced that the first two entrants in the match will have to compete for fifteen minutes before entrant number three enters the match. Fifteen minutes! That’s a far stretch from the two minutes every other wrestler has to wait until another enters the ring. This is obviously a ploy by GM Nice to try and screw over Nunzio. However, Young is now thrown into Nice’s crossfires.


This announcement makes Summer Rumble even more interesting now, as both Nunzio and Young are two of the top fan favorites in ISPW. It’s a dream match for ISPW fans. The thought of these two great athletes competing for fifteen minutes to open up the Summer Rumble match gives us chills just thinking about it. While we here at ISPW certainly don’t agree with all of Nicholas Nice’s actions, we are very excited to be able to add Nunzio vs. Judas Young to the bill for Summer Rumble on July 11th!


The other big announcement from Nice concerning the Summer Rumble match appears as though it could be a major one. Nice has said he’s signed who he feels is the hottest free agent in the professional wrestling industry today for Summer Rumble. He said he will not reveal the identity of this individual, as he wants it to be a big surprise on July 11th. He did say he would give us a few hints though. Nice said that when this person is seen in front of an audience, he usually has a microphone in his hand. He also said some people refer to him as "Mister." Thirdly, he said that his name is so nice, you have to say it twice.


When reached for comments today for this breaking story, ISPW General Manager "Mr. Personality" Nicholas Nice had the following to say "I already told you people that this is going to be a huge surprise. I already gave you a few hints for the ISPW fans to begin speculating. You will have to wait until July 11th to find out exactly who it is. For now, just advertise him as "A Mysteryyyyyyyy Entrant………ENTRANT!"


Other participants already announced for Summer Rumble include Crowbar, Rick Fuller, Julio Dinero, The Logan Brothers, Rob Eckos, Chase Del Monte, Flash, H.C. Loc, Saint Stronko, and Mauritzio Bokara.


The complete line-up for ISPW Summer Rumble on July 11th in Freehold, NJ at the ISPW Arena:


*Summer Rumble to crown a new ISPW World Heavyweight Champion

*Nunzio vs. Judas Young in the 15 minute Summer Rumble opener

*Crowbar vs. Rick Fuller in an I Quit Match

*Former TNA Knockout Roxxi vs. Brooke Carter in a special Divas match

*Julio Dinero vs. Rob Eckos in a return match with Flash as the special guest referee

*Chase Del Monte vs. H.C. Loc

*The Logan Brothers vs. Saint Stronko & Mauritzio Bokara.


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