Corino Interview, Lethal, VKM, Nunzio, Upcoming Weekend Shows

The battle lines have been drawn.  The sides have been chosen.  All that is left is for these warriors to step foot into the cold steel cage and ring the bell and begin this brutal war of attrition.  Make sure you are witness to this epic struggle for the fate of Firestorm Pro.  The result of this match on July 10th will forever change the future of our company!!!

Firestorm Pro Tag Team Title Match Qualifier
With the fate of the company and the Undisputed Title in upheaval one thing that the fans can be assured of is that at the next Firestorm Pro show two teams will meet to determine our first ever Firestorm Pro Tag Team Champions!  However, with far more than two tag teams on the Firestorm Pro roster deserving championship opportunities, who should compete for the belts?  In possibly one of his last decisions as the head of Firestorm Pro JC has selected four teams to take part in two Tag Team Title Match Qualifiying matches for July 10th.  The winners of both qualifiers will advance into the upcoming title match.  The first Qualifier match promises to be one full of contrasting styles.  The debuting IRISH AIRBORNE have made a name for themselves all over the Midwest and East Coast with their hard hitting, high flying, aggressive style of tag team action.  They have appeared in just about every major independent organization in this part of the country including Ring Of Honor.  In every company in which they appear they always carve out a path of destruction towards the Tag Team Titles and they have vowed that Firestorm Pro will be no different.  As opposed to their opponents THE IRISH AIRBORNE, CLUB DB appears to be much more concerned with how their hair looks, if their man tans are even, and if their biceps look good in their popped collared shirts, and making sure that you hear about how good they look over and over and over again than training hard for upcoming matches.  Don’t let their pre-occupation with their looks fool you however, this was the team who successfully debuted with a win over THE CUTTHROAT CREW at "Take It Back 2009" thanks to a fist full of protein powder.  What they may lack in preperation they seem to make up for in underhanded tactics.  Will CLUB DB keep their party rolling on July 10th or will THE IRISH AIRBORNE play spoilers and make a successful debut and advance to the Tag Team Title Match??

Firestorm Pro Tag Team Title Match Qualifier

In the second half of the Tag Team Title Match Qualifiers taking place at "War Games" we find two teams coming from completely opposite perspectives.  Despite coming off a recent loss to the debuting CLUB DB due to a fistful of protein powder to the eyes, THE CUTTHROAT CREW have to be hands down favorites going into this Tag Team Title hunt.  Pirates are by their nature always aggressive and always focused when gold is on the line, and THE CUTTHROAT CREW are not only looking for gold but also are trying to get back to their winning ways.  In the unenviable position of stepping into the ring across from a couple of angry pirates is THE DEAD NATION.  For months DEAD NATION leader RYAN BURKE seemed lost amid a flood of different tag team partners and fake cousins thrown his way by Firestorm Pro Management to fill out "The Burke Nation."  Two shows ago however, he came out with his own pick to be his partner in KEVIN BRADWAY.  BURKE then announced that the Burke Nation was dead.  In its place would stand BRADWAY and BURKE, THE DEAD NATION.  In their first outing they did not get the start they wanted but rebounded at "Take It Back 2009" with a victory over the team of MATTHEW JUSTICE and AKIRA.  They are going to try and keep their momentum going and roll into the Tag Team Championship match in August.  However on July 10th they face a team that has been teaming together for years.  Will the familiarity between THE CUTTHROAT CREW be the decisive edge one team needs over the other?  Or will the team of THE DEAD NATION prove that they are a force to be reckoned with in the Firestorm Pro tag team division?? 



During the main event of "Take It Back 2009" just as THE AFTERMATH had the Undisputed Firestorm Pro Heavyweight Championship match against JOHN McCHESNEY almost won, STEPHANIE snuck into the ring wielding the title belt as a weapon and was about to smash THE AFTERMATH in the head with it when VICKY sprinted down the ramp and into the ring and leveled STEPHANIE with a flying tackle that would make an NFL linebacker proud.  That left THE AFTERMATH alone in the ring with VICKY at long last and when they finally embraced it was magic.  Their joy was to be short lived however as McCHESNEY attacked from behind and was quickly joined by SHANE TAYLOR and J-ROCC.  VICKY demanded a match with STEPHANIE in order to give her a measure of payback for her attacks against her new man, THE AFTERMATH.  Taking advantage of his executive powers in Firestorm Pro before he might lose them following the War Games match, JC quickly signed this grudge match for July 10th.  With no one to hide behind, how will STEPHANIE deal with the furious VICKY?  This promises to be a knock down drag out fight.  No slapping and hair pulling here. 


REMEMBER FANS:  Firestorm Pro presents "War Games: Team Firestorm vs Team Big League."  Friday night.  July 10th.  Phantasy Theatre.  7 PM.  Only $8.
Be there.

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