Corino Interview, Lethal, VKM, Nunzio, Upcoming Weekend Shows


FIRESTORM PRO is proud to announce that on Friday night July 10th we will return to the Phantasy Theatre (11800 Detroit Rd) with "War Games: Team Firestorm vs Team Big League"!!  This show is open to fans of all ages.  Doors open at 7:00 PM and the action will begin at 7:30.  Tickets for this special event are only $8!!!

================   WAR GAMES STEEL CAGE MATCH   ================

–Two men begin the match locked inside the cage.  Every 5 minutes a new competitor enters the cage.  Entrance is determined randomly and entrants come alternately from each team. 
–Once all 8 men have entered the cage, the first pinfall or submission will score the victory for his respective team.
–Prior to all 8 men entering the cage a competitor CAN be eliminated by pinfall or submission and will have to leave the cage for the remainder of the match.
–There are no count out, disqualification, injury stoppage, knock out, or escape victories possible in this match.

–If Team Big League wins, John McChesney gains full control of Firestorm Pro.
–If Team Firestorm wins, whomever scores the victory becomes Undisputed Firestorm Pro Heavyweight Champion.

Team Firestorm


Team Big League

Ever since the very first Firestorm Pro show in December of 2007 "Big League" JOHN McCHESNEY has done his best to disrupt the direction of the company and force events to unfold as he sees fit.  And at every turn he has met opposition to his selfish designs.  The first to step in his path was MICHAEL HUTTER fresh off reconstructive knee surgery.  When McCHESNEY callously attacked HUTTER’s knee RAYMOND ROWE was quick to come to his friends aid.  For the next eight months ROWE and McCHESNEY battled back and forth across the width and breadth of Firestorm Pro.  With the signing of the powerful super-heavyweight SHANE TAYLOR to his "Team Big League" and the departure of MICHAEL HUTTER to WWE’s developmental territory FCW in Florida the balance of power seemed to shift for good in McCHESNEY’s favor.  He rampaged through Firestorm Pro literally spitting in Firestorm Pro Owner JC’s face, stealing the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship from HUTTER on his final show for Firestorm, using TAYLOR to repeatedly take out ROWE, and terrorizing anyone who tried to stop him.  The tides again shifted as Patrick Hayes became the number one contender for the Undisputed Firestorm Pro Heavyweight Championship and he together with ROWE brought the fight to McCHESNEY and Team Big League.  This drove McCHESNEY over the edge and he stepped up his attacks again.  This prompted Firestorm Pro Owner JC to lay down the heaviest challenge of his life.  He confronted McCHESNEY and said that he was going to end everything on July 10th.  He challenged McCHESNEY to assemble a team of 4 men to take on JC’s team of 4 men in a War Games Steel Cage match.  He promised the match would contain tables, ladders, and chains.  McCHESNEY agreed with the condition that if his team were victorious he would gain control of FIRESTORM PRO!!!  JC agreed adding that if his team were victorious McCHESNEY would lose his Heavyweight title!!!  3 men on each side were chosen that night, RAYMOND ROWE, PATRICK HAYES, and THE AFTERMATH for Team Firestorm and JOHN McCHESNEY, SHANE TAYLOR, and J-ROCC for Team Big League.  Each team had to find a final member at "Take It Back 2009."  JC had a surprise 4th member up his sleave and actually turned down STARLESS’s offer to fight for Team Firestorm.  At the end of the night as all hell broke loose in the ring following the main event, all 6 participants of the War Games match were brawling in and around the ring when the 6’4” 270 pound BILL COLLIER came to the ring followed by a triumphant JC.  Here was his ace in the hole, a sure fire ringer, the dominant COLLIER would tip the power and strength advantage firmly to Team Firestorm.  To his horror, when COLLIER entered the ring he immediately turned on ROWE annihilating him with a devastating elevated powerbomb.  Team Firestorm was at the mercy of Team Big League and they prepared to launch the final offensive when the light went out on both teams.  As the lights came back on STARLESS flew from the top of the 20′ scaffolds in the entrance way and took out all 7 men.  JC then asked him to be the 4th member of Team Firestorm which he immediately accepted.