Corino Interview, Lethal, VKM, Nunzio, Upcoming Weekend Shows

Alan Wojcik: This past May you successfully defended the championship against a former ECW competitor who calls himself Sabu. Are you surprised he is still working despite the near fatal injuries he has incurred over his career?

Steve Corino: No matter what anyone says, Sabu is a battler. This guy is always in pain but he loves to be out there wrestling. Some people might think he is slower now but he is also 44 or 46 years old. This guy literally gave his body for his artform and I have nothing but respect for him.

Alan Wojcik: On July 11th you will defend the championship at the 36th anniversary show against a competitor called BJ (see press conference footage on the website listed below). Talk about what is planned for BJ, who is the masked man sitting next to you and what exactly is “the Derailer?”

Steve Corino: The Derailer is a sitting lariat, much like Masato Tanaka’s Sliding D (he uses the forearm). BJ is a great young wrestler here in WWC and will be a future WWC Universal champion. Just not now. But July 11 will be special because I am dedicating the match to my mentor and friend Shinya Hashimoto.
The masked man is known as The Nightmare. If anyone has followed the WWC over the past eight months you will know that the Nightmare is rumored to be Orlando Colon, which would be crazy to see a heel Colon on the island. But lately the Nightmare has been screwing over Orlando against Ray Gonzalez. I don’t even know where they are going with it but it’s a lot of fun.

Alan Wojcik: Here comes the question everyone probably asks you, have you seen Darren Aronofsky’s The Wrestler and what were your thoughts on it?

Steve Corino: I loved it. Its not 100% accurate but its a movie and it is there for entertainment. Some people say that it exposes too much but for me it becomes more of a challenge to play magician in the ring.

Alan Wojcik: Your former home promotion ECW died nearly eight/nine years ago. But WWE uses the name and TNA appears to be bringing in several former ECW stars (Raven, Stevie Richards, Taz & Shane Douglas to name a few.) What do you attribute to the longevity of the ECW name and attitude the fans exude when the promotion is brought up? Could you ever see yourself working for TNA even if Vince Russo left?

Steve Corino: I could see myself working for TNA even if Russo stayed. My beef with him was buried a few Christmas’ ago. In fact I just emailed (aka begged) him yesterday for a job! LOL. I think the ECW name is always going to live because the fans and wrestlers really lived that life. The fans were every bit a part of the company as the wrestlers were. It was a family. A family of misfits, but a family! Plus ECW then meant that you had to not only be tough but freaking crazy. I have watched some of my old stuff and think "What the hell was I thinking there?" but it was all for the fans.

Alan Wojcik: MTV and Big Vision Entertainment ( tried to launch an ECW-like promotion Wrestling Society X. Were you ever asked to be part of it and did you ever see any of the shows?

Steve Corino: Only watched it a few times but they didn’t contact me. I wish it would have stayed around. More work for the boys is always helpful.