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RESULTS & SHOCKS : PTW Summer Tour, 26th August 2009, Isle of Sheppey!


* The final night of the PTW Tour, began in typically mad fashion, as most of the PTW wrestlers were arriving late due to shocking traffic related issues. This included many PTW wrestlers’s journey randomly coinciding at Thurrock Services in Essex, and a pull apart car park brawl between PTW Promoter Petey Staniforth, and ‘100 Percent’ Dan Edge. Little did we know how much this would affect matters later on in the night. And when we got to the venue, the show just got louder….


* Petey Staniforth came to the ring, wearing MMA gloves, kick pads, and wrestling boots, and was clearly ready for a fight. He was also wearing a large Union Jack flag with the words ‘Luton Town’ on, but that’s another matter entirely! Referencing the fact that he blamed Chrissie for the fact he’d have to wrestle Dan Edge, he called her into the ring and they traded some rather intense words. Petey then introduced his backup, The Untouchables (G, Mason Storm, Tommy Stevens) to the ring, at which point Chrissie brought out Dan Edge to the stage. Petey & Dan were seemingly set to go, as Petey was shouting about how tonight was serious; and Dan Edge introduced D-Mon & Mr Portugal, who had taken it upon themselves to dress up as characters from the hit television show ‘Baywatch’. Staniforth fumed, and offered the three to the ring to fight with him and his Untouchables; but as soon as they took Petey’s challenge and hit the ring, the bad guys took a dive out from the ring, and Petey laughed that he’d just proved he could outsmart Dan Edge, and he’d do it again later on.


* ‘Scorpion’ Bill Duffy & ‘Leapfrog’ Liam Dunne w/PTW Lawyer Justin Case defeated Mason Storm & Dragonian w/Olivier Davenport The Third. Duffy & Dunne called out Justin, when they saw the presence of OD3 in Storm & Dragonian’s corner, which Justin Case said was legal; but so would be his being in their corner to make sure that OD3 did not interfere. 


* In a Triple Threat match, Mr Portugal defeated Valek and Tommy Stevens. Tiffany Wantsmore was at ringside, socialising with fans and cheering on Valek, and this lead to something of an incident after the match, as Petey Staniforth came out and referenced how he was sick of ‘mouthy women’, and shockingly slapped her in the centre of the ring. Tiffany, being the kind of woman who backs down from no man, hit Petey right back, as Petey laughed and shouted ‘Is that all you have?’, she hit him with a flying clothesline, and a legdrop whilst he was knocked down in the ring; much to the approval of the fans. Did we realise what this would lead to later on?


* In his PTW Debut match, rookie star Dave Carribean defeated Jack Joker. Neutrals have said that Carribean looks like he’s going to be a big star in Power Trip Wrestling, and having seen his exciting debut, it’s hard to disagree.


* In ‘The Man Mountain Challenge’, Druss defeated Donny Bull. This battle of the big men went back and forth, and was very hard hitting and intense, but in the end, Druss won with some questionably moralled tactics.


* In a submission match, PTW’s profoundly deaf star Sean Midnight (with Tracey Kilby in his corner, who is the daughter of UK Wrestling Legend Alan Kilby), defeated Mad Mike (who had Petey Staniforth at ringside with him). Petey was clearly distracted during this match, and afterwards, a furious Mike called Petey into the ring and blamed him. Staniforth of course, took the arrogant high ground and suggested that perhaps Mike simply let Petey down and didn’t deserve to have been managed by him in the first place; and to the cheers of the fans, Mad Mike kicked Petey, threw him into the corner of the ring, took a long run up, and ran across the ring with a dropkick to the ….let’s say, below the belt! Mike then laughed, as the fans cheered him for attacking PTW’s egotistical boss, and took the microphone, asking Petey how that felt; as Petey’s now high pitched voice squeaked out ‘that hurt’. But once more, this would have an effect on things a little later on.


* With a special referee (‘Cowboy’ Adam Hayes), and the PTW World Tag Team Titles on the line, Mayhem Inc retained the championships by deliberately getting themselves disqualified against The Ref Crew (Darryl & James). Due to a situation after the match, Mayhem has been currently suspended by PTW as an active competitor, but PTW have allowed Danny Dynamite to choose a replacement partner to defend the titles with; and he has chosen fellow Mayhem Inc member, Druss.


* It was announced to the crowd that due to the incidents during the day and also the show itself (the very unscheduled pull apart service station brawl, which had included Dan Edge throwing Petey into a car shoulder first; is taking credit for the main part of this, although the incidents with Petey and Tiffany Wantsmore, and also Mad Mike had not helped), on medical advice, Petey Staniforth would not be wrestling on that evening against Dan Edge, due to what has been termed a legitimately potentially serious shoulder injury. Petey was absolutely furious, and did not want to follow the advice of the medics, but Dan Edge suggested that he ought to do as he was told for once; and wanted Petey at full health so that he’d have no excuses when he did get to wrestle him. We expect an announcment from Power Trip Wrestling, and of course, Petey himself; as to when the ‘First Time, Last Time, Only Time’ match between Petey & Dan will be; in the very near future.


* The main event of the evening, became the Battle of the PTW Champions, and PTW World Champion Conor Hurley retained the championship by defeating PTW British Champion G ‘The Lap Dancing Superstar’, in what was the match of the evening; and what many are saying was the best match on the PTW Summer Tour 2009. We thank everyone in Sheppey for making us feel at home, and for having us once more; and we especially thank the wonderful fans we have in the Isle of Sheppey for their support. Next up for PTW, is September 6th in Corby, as we present ‘Family Business’, and all details for the show can be found on the PTW Website!



PTW Website : www.powertripwrestling.co.uk  

Watch PTW every Thursday on : www.hybrident.tv  

PTW Media Production : www.octavopictures.com

PTW Twitter : www.twitter.com/ptwwrestling  

PTW YouTube : www.youtube.com/interneticon  

PTW MySpace : www.myspace.com/power_trip_wrestling


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