IWA MidSouth Done, Atl DragonCon, Solie, PWF, JAPW & More




WELL, WELL, WELL……….It’s time once again for DCW to bring down the house!!!!!!!, and if you saw the show last year, then you know that we did bring the house down……..or at least put one huge hole in the wall.  A member of NWA Anarchy’s Talent and Money went through the wall while wrestling the Hollywood Brunettes for the DCW Tag Team Cup.  Yes, I did get my behind in a sling for that one, but things were worked out and HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Now, in no particular order is the run down on the matches I have lined up for you this year.

For the vacant DCW Light Heavy Weight Belt, from NWA Anarchy: Azrael,Talent, Adrian Hawkins and Money.  This should be a great match, especially with Talent and Money having to put aside their tag team connection.  From the Devils Rejects comes Azrael, along with the leader of the Rejects, Dan Wilson and the totally hott babe Crystal. (very fine if I do say so myself)  I would not count out Adrian Hawkins, he wants the belt and means to have it.

The BIG MAN of NWA Anarchy, ICEBERG!!!!! will be going up against Kimo.  Now I am here to tell you, this is going to be one hell of a match.  ICEBERG is nothing but Power, and for a big man, he has moves that will astound you.  Kimo is a master of the martial arts, and the power of his punches and kicks are not to be taken lightly.  I can’t wait for this one wrestling fans………it has the potential to bring down the house.(would love to see them bring the house down, but I don’t want to get into trouble for that happening again!)

From NWA Anarchy, Todd Saxton will lock up with “Sal”.  Fans, this one has been  brewing for a long time, and there is no love lost between these two outstanding wrestlers.  Todd told me that he could not wait to beat the holy dog #@*! out of “Sal”, then proceeded to say some more things that I can’t repeat here.  “Sal” told me that Todd was a joke, couldn’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag, much less beat him.  He just laughed and laughed when  I booked this match, said he would not even have to work up a sweat with this match………..we will see……………………………..

Coming back to DCW,  the vacant Triple X-Treme Championship Belt will be decided by a 3-way dance.  I have ICE, Lighten, and STD going for the belt.  You have seen STD wrestle in DCW before, and know that the boy can go all out, he is ranked 2nd in Triple X-treme.  I booked Lighten because he told me he wants some serious pay back against ICE.  ICE is the number 1 ranked wrestler in Triple X-treme so I had to put him in the match.  Now you know from the past years matches that ICE and I, your humble commissioner, have had our differences but hopefully, they can be settled in this match once and for all……………!!!

For the NWA Anarchy Heavy Weight Title, the man of the Shadow Nation, Shadow Jackson will put it on the line against Jeremy Vee, accompanied by his body guard Robb.  I have watched these 2 wrestlers go at it several times, and I’m here to tell you that I have said “holy crap” many times during their matches.  Shadow, the leader of the Shadow Nation told me when I booked this match that he was going to leave it all in the ring for this one.  When I told Jeremy Vee what Shadow said, he looked at me for a minute, then said Shadow had that right, because there would be nothing of Shadow left, it would be splattered all over the ring.  If this match doesn’t have you DCW fans pumped up and yelling, I don’t know what will.

Are you DCW wrestling fans getting excited yet?  Do  you like the sound of these matches?  Am I not the best wrestling promoter around?  Am I not one of the best looken, and totally studd guys you have ever seen?  Ok, you don’t have to answer the last question (but you know it’s true!)

For the DCW Tag Team Cup, from NWA Anarchy, the hole in the wall gang, the Hollywood Brunettes defend the Dragons Cup against the team of Slim J and Murder One.  Wrestling fans, you have seen all of these wrestlers show off their skills in DCW before, and know that all of them are very, very talented and the Brunettes have the power to put people through a wall.  Slim J is an amazing wrestler with some moves that will bring you out of your seat – if your still setting down – and what can I say about Murder One, he is one hard core wrestler and will do what needs to be done to win.  This is one of those matches where you need to hide the women and put the kids to bed because I predict one awesome and extreme match.

The DCW Singles Cup will have, from NWA Anarchy, Truett Fields going up against Broody.  Last years winner, Simon Sermon is injured and not able to defend the Dragons Cup title.  Broody and Truett were high on the list of wrestlers to go after the Cup, and they have had a few run in’s in the past, so I thought this would be a great match, as there is still a lot of bad blood between these 2 very talented wrestlers.  I also wanted to see them beat the hell out of each other……..and for your wrestling entertainment too.

The NWA National Heavy Weight Title Belt is on the line.  We are very proud to have booked this match for a very honored and prestigious title.  This is not just for a regional title, but one that covers the whole country.  Phil Shatter, the NWA National Heavy Weight Title Belt holder will be defending the title in a 4 way dance against, from NWA Anarchy, Ace Rockwell, Shawn Tempers and Michael Judas.  Phil Shatter has defended his belt against some very stiff competition from all over the country, but I think that his title run may be over after this match.  Ace Rockwell is a very talented wrestler, with a long list of wins.  Shawn Tempers has held several titles, and wants this one very much.  Michael Judas has also held several titles, and has set his sights on winning the coveted National Title.  All of these wrestlers pretty much said the same thing to me, that they are willing to put everything on the line, and put out everything they had in them for the chance to become the NWA National Heavy Weight Title Belt holder.  DCW fans, this is one match that I can’t wait to see.  This should be one of the , if not the most intense match of the night.  I predict a lot of pain.

More, More you say, ……….well there is more to the show.  We are going to induct into the DCW Hall of Fame – Demolition.  That’s right wrestling fans, AX and Smash will be at the show, and over in the walk of fame all weekend.  You can go over and get autographs and talk to these 2 wrestling legends from the days of the WWF, before it changed its name to WWE.  The Iron Sheik will also be on hand.

I am also going to have, for the first time ever, a match for the DCW Ladies Dragon Cup.  That’s right wrestling fans, 2 very talented and might I say very, very Hott Looking Total Babes going at it………get your minds out of the gutter………they will be wrestling for the Cup.

As always, there will be plenty of surprises in store, and as usual, things will happen and people will show up that I have no control over.  It’s always interesting to see what will happen.

DCW fans, don’t forget to bring to the show, the most lethal and dangerous weapon to ever be used in a wrestling ring…….the LUCKY CHARMS!!!!!!!  We put this show on for the best and most loyal wrestling fans that has ever been – YOU!  It is a privilege and a pleasure to put our wrestling show on for all of the Dragon Con fans.

DCW Commissioner – Tiny

2nd in command – A.J.  

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