Very Detailed DVD Review: The Rise & Fall Of WCW


The Verdict:

While a great story, certainly not the most accurate. There are some strong points made & interesting comments heard, but if you are looking for the entire version of what happened through all those years, you’re just never going to get it with the WWE owning the assets of the company. This was enjoyable, yet very frustrating to watch, but that kind of sums up the WCW story & the way it really was for the most part anyways.  


Overall Recommendation:

It was the biggest story in the history of wrestling. It was the end of the wrestling war after many decades of battle. Here is the story of the group that fought up & out until the year 2001. You owe it to yourself to find out as much as you can about wrestling history, and "The Rise And Fall Of WCW" by World Wrestling Entertainment will certainly be a great watch for any viewer out there. Despite much incompleteness, due to the nature of this particular topic, these three DVD’s/discs are strongly recommended.


Final Thoughts:

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair comes to mind as the only man besides the Crockett’s, who were there from the early stages right through the very end, and being involved in this project was a major plus. Eric Bischoff not being specifically interviewed with newer material this time around takes away from this story, but that is in no way any fault of the WWE, as Eric was unwilling to participate & share any of his stories for us…and rightfully so. A few other names perhaps should have been interviewed for comments I suppose, but I guess we can’t get everything we want.

Overall Rating: 8.7