Former WWE Employee On Jericho/Helms Incident & More

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Jimmy mentioned actor Rip Torn’s recent legal issues, and how his case is indeed news, due to him carrying a gun while drunk in a bank in Connecticut, but that Jericho & Helms is not. Jimmy followed this up with a very telling statement that could mean the possible "future endeavoring" for at least one of WWE’s most well-known superstars from the past decade. "And the sad part is it might cost someone their job."

Noonan continued about the Jericho/Helms incident & how this unfortunately happens more often than one might believe/think, plus how Y2J could have potentially taken a better stand & not been at the wrong place at the wrong time: "This happens all the time in the WWE. It could be as simple as a local cop’s kid. They were at a meet & greet, and Helms forgot to shake the kid’s hand after he signed a kid’s autograph. The kid b*tched to his cop dad, and the cop dad told the story at the precinct & downtown…a couple of guys get arrested. You think that doesn’t happen? It happens all the time. Here’s my problem, Jericho should know better, and to a lesser extent Helms should know better. Jericho was once the Unified Champion; he is one of the faces of the company, and he’s supposed to be a leader in the locker room. Leaders in the locker room are above this stuff, and they should stay above the fray & shouldn’t be doing this stuff. That’s what I’m most disappointed about, and Jericho has proved himself not to be a locker room leader."