WWE RAW Results (8/30) – RAW’s 900th Episode!

Triple Threat Tag Team Match
Kofi Kingston & Michael McGillicutty vs Daniel Bryan & Kaval vs Alex Riley & The Miz

Miz and Bryan argue and Riley takes down Bryan from behind, then Kofi gets in against Bryan. Bryan knocks down Kofi then punches Miz on the outside, but Riley comes back to gain control of Kofi. Kofi hits the Boom Drop but Bryan breaks it up and all three men are down on the mat. Kaval and McGillicutty tag in and Kaval puts on a rear submission but Riley breaks it up. Miz gets knocked off the apron by Kaval, and he knocks down McGillicutty then hits the Warrior’s Way. Miz runs in and hits the Skull Crushing Finale and steals the win.

Miz taunts Bryan as he leaves the ring, and Bryan kicks Riley in the face on the apron. Miz sees this and runs in and knocks out Bryan with the briefcase, then celebrates on the ramp with Riley.

Winners – Alex Riley & The Miz 

Team LayCool vs Eve Torres & Melina

Melina hits Michelle with forearm shots but Michelle gets control and tags in Layla. Layla taunts Melina then tries to tag in Michelle, but Melina shoves her into Michelle, knocking her off the apron. Melina rolls up Layla and gets the quick win.

After the match LayCool taunts Melina and says tonight’s victory was forgettable, and they think it’s time to prove who the real women’s champion is, so they want to challenge Melina to a title unification match. Michelle says one of them will face her at Night of Champions, and Melina says she came prepared, so if this match is going to happen, it will be a lumberjack match. LayCool says fine and agrees to the match and the lumberjacks comes out to the ramp while LayCool taunts Melina some more.

Winners – Eve Torres & Melina