WWE RAW Results (9/6) – Bryan/Miz, Five Pack Challenge?

Ted DiBiase is in his locker room on his cell phone with someone and says he loves spending time with them, then Maryse asks who he is talking to. Ted says it was his mom, and Maryse says she loved his note she found in the limo. He says he didn’t write that and the note might have been intended for him. She gets mad and he says he can’t understand her French, then he leaves as she is still speaking.

Justin Gabriel vs John Cena

They lock up in the middle and Cena throws him backwards, then Gabriel puts him in an armbar. Cena rolls through and puts him in a headscissors and slaps him in the stomach. They get back up and stand off again, and Gabriel punches away at Cena in the corner. Cena reverses him in the corner but Gabriel hits an elbow and knocks Cena out of the ring. He brings Cena back in and hits a rolling senton over the top rope for a two count.

Gabriel continues on offense and kicks Cena in the legs then measures him up in the corner and hits a splash. Gabriel follows it with a top rope crossbody, then locks in an armbar submission and uses his leg on the back of Cena’s neck for leverage. Cena lifts him up still in the hold but Gabriel hits a gutwrench suplex and goes for a springboard moonsault but misses. 

Cena starts to come back with a shoulder block and sitout slam, then hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets him up for the Attitude Adjustment but Gabriel hits a diving STO and kicks Cena in the head. Gabriel goes up for the 450 but Cena cuts him off and he hits the Attitude Adjustment from the middle rope to win the match.

Winner – John Cena