WWE RAW Results (9/6) – Bryan/Miz, Five Pack Challenge?

Divas Championship
Melina vs  Alicia Fox

Alicia says she has bad news, and Melina won’t be competing at Night of Champions. Alicia will become the "undefined" (oops) Divas Champion and does a twirl in the ring. 

Melina hits a backbody drop then hits a running kick and Alicia rolls out of the ring. Melina brings her back in and slaps her fomr the apron then hits a crossbody from the top rope for a two count. Alicia trips Melina and kicks her, then slams her head on the mat. Melina avoids her with the Matrix move and hits a dropkick then tries for the Last Call, but Alicia dumps her over the rope. She drags her to the middle of the ring but Melina counters her and hits the Sunset Split and wins the match to retain. 

Winner – Melina  

Miz is in the backstage area with Josh Mathews and he is standing next to something covered in a black sheet. He says it is perfect, and it is all about the Miz. Everyone will learn about the journey to the road of awesome, and Josh tries to look under the sheet. Miz slaps his hand away and tells him to leave him alone.

Edge is in his locker room with Zack Ryder, and Edge says he saw what just happened to Jericho and he shouldn’t have to put up his spot in the Six Pack Challenge. Ryder says he knows where Edge is coming from because he is a former #1 contender, so he wants to be his opponent. Edge says that works because he is an easy win, and doesn’t think Ryder is a tool anymore. Ryder says he is right there, but Edge talks into space and asks the GM to make the match. Edge says he knows he is listening, and says he formally accepts Ryder’s challenge, so it better happen. Edge says if it doesn’t, he will go smash the GM laptop at ringside. Ryder asks if Edge called him a tool, and says that hurt his feelings. Edge just shakes his head and leaves the locker room and Ryder looks bothered by Edge’s comments.