WWE RAW Results (9/6) – Bryan/Miz, Five Pack Challenge?

Chris Jericho comes out for a match and his entrance gets interrupted by a GM email. Cole says Jericho and Edge will see consequences for their actions in the main event last week. If they don’t win their matches tonight, they will be removed from the Six Pack Challenge at Night of Champions! Jericho flips out and tells Cole to tell him who the GM is, and Cole introduces John Morrison as his opponent.

Chris Jericho vs John Morrison

Jericho attacks before the bell then throws him into the ropes but Morrison gets a quick rollup for two. Jericho with a forearm shot and he throws Morrison over the top rope to the outside, then screams to Cole to tell him who the GM is. He goes after Morrison on the outside as we go to a commercial break.

When we return, Jericho has Morrison in a headlock, and hits a side suplex and a knee to the ribs. Morrison floats out of another suplex attempt and hits a backbreaker for two. He kicks Jericho, then spins out of a Walls attempt, but Jericho knocks him down and tries a Lionsault. Morrison moves and hits a flash kick, then holds the ropes to block a Codebreaker. Jericho hits an enziguiri, and slams Morrison’s head into the mat then screams at him in the corner.

Morrison avoids a shoulder by Jericho, and goes up top, but misses Starship Pain, and Jericho locks in the Walls in the middle of the ring. Morrison crawls towards the ropes and Jericho argues with the ref after breaking the hold. Jericho pulls Morrison up to the top turnbuckle but gets shoved off and Morrison hits Stairship Pain for the win! Jericho is out of the Six Pack Challenge!

Winner – John Morrison

Jericho slowly gets up and is upset at what just happened. He leaves the ring and sits on the ring steps before finally walking to the back, and he is getting cheers and a Y2J chant.