WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (1/16/24)

WWE NXT Results
January 16, 2024
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Dusty Classic First Round: Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs. Edris Enofé and Malik Blade

Hayes and Blade start the match. After a series of reversals, both men attempt a dropkick at the same time. After a stalemate, Enofé tags in. Williams dropkicks Enofé. Blade avoids nothing but net from Hayes and dropkicks Williams off the apron. Williams tags in and eats a series of hip tosses. Williams responds with a few right hands and a splash in the corner. Hayes tags in and gets launched into a splash by Williams for a near fall. Williams walks into a double team from Enofé and Blade. Hayes and Williams end up outside the ring. Blade and Enofé both land dives. After the break, Enofé and Blade are working over Hayes. Hayes manages to tag in Williams. Williams clears the ring. Willaims flapjacks Enofé and Blade at the same time.

The crowd is going nuts for Williams. Tricky Bottom by Williams. Blade breaks up the pin. Blade destroys Hayes with a front-flip DDT. Enofé drops Williams with a suplex. Enofé lands a diving elbow. Williams kicks out. Blade lands a frog splash on Hayes. Williams breaks up the pin. Enofé tries a dive and gets punched out of the air by Williams. Hayes lands the first 48 on Blade. Williams catches Blade with a running knee for the win.

Winners- Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

In-Ring Segment: NXT North American Champion Oba Femi

Femi says many are shocked to see him as the North American Champion. The truth is this was long for told, the Juggernaut draped in Gold. He is the one who stands tall over everyone else. The embodiment of the War Leader. He has made his name by dropping three other men in the Breakout Tournament. He made his name by dropping Dragon Lee last week. Dragon Lee interrupts. Lee says he can’t be made after what happened last week. Femi took his moment, and he won. Lee puts Femi over. Lee hopes Femi will continue the open challenges and asks to be his first opponent. Femi says no. The open challenges are now closed. Lee demands a rematch at Vengence Day. Femi says Lee doesn’t get to decide anymore. Femi quips that he will consider it and walks away.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (1/9/24)

Backstage, Eddy Thrope and Trey Bearhill meet and are fast friends. Dijak walks in and craps on both men. Bearhill gets in Dijak’s face. Dijak challenges Bearhill to a match tonight.

Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley vs. Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez

Paxley is dressed like Valkyria. Valkyria lands a dropkick. Paxley does the same move. Valkyria is… confused. Vice gets a cheap shot that allows her team to take over. Lopez and Vice work over Paxley. Valkyria gets the tag and clears the ring. Paxley pushes Valkyria out of the way and eats a kick to the head from Vice. Paxley falls on top of Lopez and gets the three count!

Winners- Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley

Ridge Holland vs. Joe Coffey w/Gallus

Holland pins Coffey after a Northern Lights Bomb.

Winner- Ridge Holland

After the match, Gallus beats down Holland. Coffey screams that Holland has no friends.

Dusty Classic First Round: Chase U (Riley Osborne and Duke Hudson) w/Andre Chase vs. The LWO w/Zelina Vega

Wilde and Del Toro get the win after win after a moonsault/phoenix splash combo on Hudson.

Winners The LWO

Joe Gacy is at the announce desk for the next match… he apparently has a pocket hotdog.

Dijak vs. Trey Bearhill

Bearhill runs over Dijak. Corner 10 punches by Bearhill. Dijak trips Bearhill in the ropes. Superkick by Dijak. Bearhill kicks out. Dijak lands a flurry of strikes in the corner. Tossing suplex by Dijak. Bearhill kicks out. Bearhill counters Dijak’s suplex with one of his own into the corner. Dijak clotheslines Bearhill over the top. Dijak sends Bearhill into the barricade. Bearhill isn’t moving. Dijak yells at the commentary team. Gacy takes exception and headbutts Dijak. Bearhill lands a flurry of offense. Dijak kicks out of Bearhill’s crossbody. Dijak lands a cyclone boot for the win.

Winner- Dijak

After the match, Gacy attacks Dijak. Dijak and Gacy fight off. Lexis King attacks Bearhill from behind. King leaves Bearhil lying after hitting his finish.

Number One Contender’s Battle Royal (The Final Four will immediately face off in a fatal four-way match)

As the field thins, Lola Vice eliminates Elektra Lopez. Vice mocks Lopez. Tatum Paxley dumps Vice. Lopez and Vice fight up the ramp. Petrovic eliminates Davenport. Davenport pulls Petrovic out of the ring and obliterates her with a Kamigoye. Davenport tosses Petrocvic back into the ring. Petrovic is out cold in the ring. Arianne Grace picks up the passed-out Petrovic and throws her over the top. Thea Hail throws her over the top as Grace celebrates her only elimination. The final four are Kiana James, Roxanne Perez, Kelani Jordan, and Fallon Henley.

Number One Contender’s Match: Kiana James vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Fallon Henley

The ring clears. Perez lands a dive. Jordan lands a dive on the other side of the ring. Jordan and Perez trade pinfalls. Wheelbarrow facebuster by Perez. Henley breaks up the pin. Henley lands a kill shot on Perez and a blockbuster on Jordan. James breaks up the pin. James spinebusters Henley. Jordan and Perez break up the pin. James escapes Pop Rocks. Jordan dropkicks Perez. James hits the 401k on Jordan. Jordan rolls out of the ring. James counters Pop Rocks by sending Perez into the corner. Top rope rana by Perez. Jordan sneaks in a frog splash. James kicks out. Jordan dropkicks Perez out of the ring. Jordan tries a Split-legged moonsault, but Dame pulls James out of the way. Perez hits Pop Rocks on Jordan for the win!

Winner- Roxanne Perez

After the match, NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria walked down the ramp and held up the title.

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