impact against all odds

IMPACT Against All Odds Results (6/9/23): Maclin vs. Shelley, Dog Collar Match, More

8-4-1 Match (Number One Contender for IMPACT World Title)
Eight-Man Tag, Winning Team Competes In Four-Way Match:
Bully Ray, Jonathan Gresham, Heath, and Nick Aldis vs. Mike Bailey, Moose, PCO, and Rich Swann

Bailey and Gresham start the bout and feel each other out. Swann and Heath tag in and square off. Moose takes control and squares off with Ray. Bully trips up Bailey and tags in. He grounds Bailey, who fires back with a kick. PCO and Gresham tag in, and “The French Frankenstein” clears house. PCO dives onto multiple opponents at ringside. Gresham and Moose battle it out. Gresham scores the win for his team over Swann. The bout turns into a four-way match between Ray, Aldis, Heath, and Gresham. Everyone attacks Ray. Gresham dives onto Ray in a tribute to the classic Dudley Boyz spot. Gresham takes everyone out with a dive at ringside. Ray slams Gresham into the ring post.

Scott D’Amore enters the ring with a chair and hits him with a chair. Heath comes in and hits Bully with a neckbreaker onto a chair.

Greesham dives onto Bully. Everyone is down after a suplex/powerbomb combination. Aldis hits a diving elbow drop. He traps Heath in a Cloverleaf and makes him tap.

Winner: Nick Aldis

Steve Maclin is interviewed ahead of his title match.

Trinity & Deonna Purrazzo vs. Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans

Purrazzo gains the upper hand early on. Trinity takes control. Gisele and Savannah double-team Trinity. Shaw grounds Purrazzo, but Trinity makes the hot tag. Gisele gains the upper hand again. Evans overpowers Trinity in the corner. Trinity fires up and takes Evans down. Purrazzo tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. She traps Gisele in an arm-bar, but she reaches the ropes. Jai Vidal clotheslines Trinity at ringside. Purrazzo scores the win by making Evans tap out,

Winners: Trinity & Deonna Purrazzo

After the bell, Purrazzo fights off Shaw and Vidal. Evans attacks her from behind. Trinity makes the save. Purrazzo shakes her hand.

Ohio Street Fight: The Design (Deaner, Kon & Angels) vs. oVe (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist & Madman Fulton)

The two teams start fighting right away. They brawl at ringside. In the ring, Crist dives onto Deaner. He dropkicks a chair into Deaner’s face. The Design takes control. Deaner hits Fulton with a toolbox. Callihan brings out a barbed wire board. Deaner hits him with a shovel. Angels blasts Fulton with a chair. Angels takes him down with a lariat. Crist slams Angels to the mat. Callihan slams Deaner onto a barbed wire board. Kon chokeslams Callihan onto thumbtacks. Fulton and Kon take each other out as they go off the stage and through a table. Deaner slams Crist through a barbed wire board with a burning hammer. Deaner accidentally hits Angels with a baseball bat. Callihan attacks Deaner and drops him with the Cactus Driver for a two-count. He hits Deaner with a baseball bat and hits the Cactus Driver onto a barbed wire board for the win.

Winners: oVe (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist & Madman Fulton)

The commentary team runs through the schedule for the next few IMPACT events.

IMPACT World Championship: Steve Maclin (c) vs. Alex Shelley

Maclin and Shelley feel each other out early on. Maclin overpowers Shelley, who fires back with some tactical offense that targets Macin’s joints. Shelley locks in an arm-bar, but the champion escapes. Maclin takes Shelley out with a spear through the ropes. Maclin hits a diving elbow off the apron. Shelley keeps targeting Maclin’s arm, but he slams his way out. Maclin controls the action and grounds him. Shelley rallies and slams Maclin to the mat for a two-count. He goes for the Border City Stretch, but Maclin evades it. Maclin drills Shelley with a knee and plants him with a brainbuster. Shelley floors Maclin with a DDT on the apron and hits Sliced Bread on the floor. Maclin counters the Shellshock into the KIA, but Shelley gets his foot on the rope. Shelley slams Maclin off the top rope with the Sliced Bread for a two-count.

Shelley sends Maclin head-first into the turnbuckle. Maclin escapes the Border City Stretch. Shelley slams Maclin face-first onto the exposed turnbuckle. He rocks Maclin with a kick and hits the Shellshock for the win.

Winner and new IMPACT World Champion: Alex Shelley

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