NWA 312
Image Credit: NWA

NWA 312 Results (4/7/23): Tyrus vs. Chris Adonis, Kamille In Action

Kratos vs. Yabo the Clown

Kratos overpowers Yabo early on. Yabo tries to rally, but Kratos continues to dominate. Yabo persevered and gained the upper hand. he stunned Kratos with a dropkick and kept him off-balance with a flurry of offense. Kratos hits a spinning slam for a two count. Kratos slams Yabo head-first to the mat for the win.

Winner: Kratos

Bob Luce Memorial Battle Royal For Future NWA National Title Match: Thrillbilly Silas Mason won by last eliminating Odinson.

The broadcast team notes that Silas will challenge for the title at NWA Crockett Cup.

NWA Women’s TV Championship: Kenzie Paige vs. Max The Impaler

Max and Kenzie feel each other out early on. Max easily overpowers Paige and controls the action. Paige tries to rally, but Max overwhelms her. Samantha Starr tries to get involved, but Max attacks her. Kylie Paige, Kenzie’s sister, tries to interfere, and she doesn’t fare any better. Paige hits a cutter onto a chair while the referee isn’t looking for the win.

Winner and new NWA Women’s TV Champion: Kenzie Paige

In an interview, La Rosa Negra hypes up her title match later in the show.

NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship: Kerry Morton (c) (with Ricky Morton) vs. Joe Alonzo (with Jamie Stanley)

Morton and Alonzo start the bout with a feeling-out process. Alonzo dodges the Kiss it Goodbye. Morton gets sent to the outside, and Stanley interferes. Alonzo talks some trash to Ricky at ringside. Alonzo sends Kerry into the turnbuckle multiple times. Kerry perseveres and gets a two count with a suset flip. He hits an atomic drop and sends Alonzo to the outside. They fight at ringside. Back in the ring, Morton gets a two count with a stiff shot to the face. Stanley distracts Kerry, and Alonzo blasts him with a dropkick. Ricky Morton attacks Stanley to take him out of the equation. Alonzo catches Morton with a superkick and gets a near fall. Morton gets the win with the Showstopper.

Winner and still NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion: Kerry Morton

Alonzo refuses a handshake and flips off Ricky Morton after the bell.

Thom Latimer vs. Bully Ray

Latimer and Ray battle for positioning early on. They keep going back and forth, and Ray goes to the outside to collect himself, He gets Latimer’s NWA World Television Championship, and the veteran dares Latimer to hit him with it. [Note: the FITE feed glitched, so the end of the match was unclear.] The referee calls for the bell, and it’s announced that Ray is the winner via disqualification.

Winner via disqualification: Bully Ray

[Note: The FITE stream continued to repeatedly glitch during the tag team title match]

NWA World Tag Team Champion: La Rebelion (c) def. Magnum Muscle (Dak Draper & Mims)

  • Blunt Force Trauma (Damage and Carnage) attacked both teams during the bout.

In an interview, Chris Adonis discusses his main event match against Tyrus.

NWA World Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) vs. La Rosa Negra

Rosa holds her own with Kamille early on. The champion overpowers her and drops the challenger with a backbreaker. Kamille gets a two count with a thunderous slam. Negra slams Kamille into the corner and gets a two count with a clothesline. She hits a diving back elbow for another two count. Kamille drops Rosa with a spinning neckbreaker. Kamille traps Rosa in the torture wrack and slams her for a two count. Rosa rallies and hits a frog splash, but Kamille reaches the ropes to break up the pin. Kamille clinches the win with a Spear.

Winner and still NWA World Women’s Champion: Kamille

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship: Tyrus (c) vs. Chris Adonis

Tyrus and Adonis square off. The champion evades an early Master Lock attempt. Adonis uses his quickness to take control and he takes Tyrus down. He targets Tyrus’ leg and locks him in a Figure-Four. Tyrus escapes and gets some breathing room with a slam. The champion grounds Adonis and locks in a modified Camel Clutch. Tyrus dominates for a minute, but Adonis rallies and goes for the Master Lock, but the champion evades it again. Adonis hits a diving axe-hammer, but Tyrus reaches the ropes. Tyrus takes control again with a slam. Adonis catches Tyrus with a big boot and floors him with a scoop slam. Adonis locks in the Master Lock and takes Tyrus to the mat. Tyrus is seemingly on the verge of passing out, but he leans back and puts his weight on Adonis, prompting the referee to count the pin, as Adonis’ shoulders are down.

Winner and still NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Tyrus

Tyrus extends his hand after the bell, but Adonis refuses the offer.

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