WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (12/2/22)

Gunther w/IMPERIUM vs. Kofi Kingston

Kingston lands a dropkick. Gunther responds with a cradle backbreaker. Gunther pounds on Kingston. Kingston tries to fire back with punches and kicks. Gunther responds with a guillotine chop. Gunther works over Kingston. Kingston sends Gunther out of the ring. After a distraction from Kaiser, Gunther takes control again. Braun Strowman stomps to the ring. Kaiser and Vinci attack and are quickly dumped into the timekeeper’s area While Gunther is distracted, Kingston catches him with the SOS. Gunther kicks out and rolls out of the ring.

After the break, Kingston lands a series of strikes. Gunther tries to fire back with a chop, but Kingston avoids it. Leaping chop by Kingston. Boom drop by Kingston. Kingston lands a frog splash on Gunther’s back. Gunther kicks out. Kingston tries a springboard, but Gunther chops him out of the air. Kingston kicks out. Gunther traps Kingston in a Boston Crab. Kingston crawls to the ropes. Gunther transitions into a crossface. Kingston escapes. After a series of reversals, Gunther sends Kingston flying into the corner with a dropkick. Powerbomb by Gunther. Kingston kicks out. Gunther hits an Emerald Flowsion for the win.

Winner- Gunther

In-Ring Segment: Damage CTRL

Bayley runs down the SmackDown Women’s locker room. Liv Morgan walks out on the stage and says the odds are fair, and runs to the ring. The numbers eventually win out, and Morgan gets stomped. Tegan Nox runs down to the ring to try to make the save. As the numbers overtake Nox, Morgan rolls back into the ring with a kendo stick. Morgan wacks Bayley with it. Damage CTRL slinks off.

SmackDown World Cup Finals: Santos Escobar w/Legado del Fantasma vs. Ricochet

Ricochet and Escobar trade armbars. Ricochet flips out of Escobar’s hold. Escobar motions for Cruz to get involved. After a distraction from Cruz, Escobar clubs Ricochet from behind. Ricochet responds with a dropkick that sends Escobar out of the ring. Ricochet lands a suicide dive. Cruz and Wilde get involved again and get ejected from ringside. Vega hops up on the apron and argues with the referee. The referee ejects her from ringside too.

After the break, Ricochet sends Escobar into the corner with a head-scissor takeover. Escobar sends Ricochet out of the ring. Escobar loads up his bow and lands a sick suicide dive. Ricochet is sent careening over the commentary desk. Escobar works over Ricochet. Ricochet and Escobar fight out to the apron. Ricochet lands a running shooting star press. After the break, Ricochet and Escobar crash into each other as both men try crossbody blocks simultaneously. Escobar rolls out of the ring.

Ricochet follows. Ricochet charges in but Escobar moves. Ricochet hops up to the barricade. Escobar follows and sends Ricochet flying with a ranna off the barricade. Ricochet kicks out. Escobar and Ricochet fight up top. Escobar hits a top rope ranna but Ricochet lands on his feet. Ricochet knees Escobar in the face. Rolling suplex by Ricochet. Ricochet lands a springboard moonsault. Escobar kicks out.

Ricochet attempts a shooting star press. Escobar gets his knees up. Ricochet kicks out. Escobar tries the Phantom Driver, but Ricochet escapes. Poison Ranna by Escobar. Ricochet kicks out. Escobar sits Ricochet on the top rope. Ricochet hits a Poson ranna off the top. After a series of superkicks, Escobar finally hits the mat. Ricochet flattens Escobar with the 630 senton for the win.

Winner- Ricochet

After the match, Gunther walks out on the stage. Ricochet and Gunther have a staredown as we fade to black.



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