WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (11/28/22)

In-Ring Segment: Sami Zayn, Solo Sikoa. and The Usos

Jey says the Bloodline was left standing tall after WarGames. For the first time, there are no cracks in the Bloodline. There is someone in the back who is mad about that. Kevin Owens. Owens learned that Zayn isn’t his dog, he’s their dog. Zayn says Jimmy has been truly down since day one. Zayn knows that Jey didn’t like or accept him. Zayn’s voice starts to crack when he talks about how Jey finally accepted him at the end of WarGames. What Jey did was Ucey.

They are on the same page. Zayn puts out his hand for a shake, and Jey slaps it away and hugs him. The Usos and Zayn share a group hug. Zayn and the Usos beg Sikoa to join. He just glares at them. Kevin Owens’ music hits, and he walks out on the stage. Owens says he isn’t mad at Zayn. He understands. He isn’t here to fight. Owens has been thinking about how their careers have been linked for the last 20 years. He doesn’t want anything to do with Zayn.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (11/21/22)

He doesn’t want to fight or anything. He’s done with Zayn. Zayn says he feels the same way. He doesn’t need Owens anymore. He has a family now. Owens says no matter how many times Zayn calls the Bloodline family, he isn’t their blood, and he never will be. Jey says if Owens has a problem with Zayn, he has a problem with him. Owens says he is done with Zayn, but he never said he was done with Jey. They can meet in the ring later tonight. Jey accepts.

Backstage, Elias admits to being ok with tagging with Riddle. Riddle suggests they go after the tag titles. Elias says he has never won WWE gold. The Bloodline walks in. Jey says Elias never will. They will face Elias and Riddle anytime at any place.

The Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

Ford works an armbar on Gable while jawing at Otis. Gable counters and takes Ford down with a toe hold. Otis tags in and nails Ford with a few vicious crossfaces. Otis misses a splash in the corner. Gable gets a blind tag but ends up getting taken down by Ford. Dawkins tags in and floors Gable with a shoulder block. Gable hits the ropes, but Dawkins destroys him with a nasty STO. Dawkins cartwheels over Gable’s back and lands a series of dropkicks.

Ford tags in and floors Gable with a clothesline. Ford sends Otis and Gable over the top. Dawkins and Ford lands stereo dives. After the break, Otis and Gable are working over Ford. Ford manages to tag in Dawkins. Dawkins drops Gable with the Silencer. Otis breaks up the pin. Ford bodyslams Otis. Dawkins spinebusters Gable. Ford lands his patented frog splash for the win.

Winners- The Street Profits

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