wwe survivor series results

WWE Survivor Series WarGames Results (11/26/22)

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Ronda Rousey (c) w/ Shayna Baszler vs. Shotzi

Rousey slaps Shotzi. Shotzi unloads on Rousey with strike after strike. Shotzi tries an enziguri but Rousey picks her leg and locks in an ankle lock. Shotzi rolls Rousey into the corner. Senton by Shotzi. Rousey rolls out of the ring. Shotzi tries a suicide dive, but Baszler pushes Rousey out of the way. Baszler takes the full force of Shotzi’s dive. Rousey stretches Shotzi. Shotzi lands a wild right hand. Rousey drops like a sack of potatoes.

Shotzi tries a tornado DDT on the apron, but both women just fall awkwardly to the floor. Baszler tries to sneak attack Shotzi, but she avoids it and hits sliced bread #2 on Baszler by walking up Rousey. Shotzi sends Rousey and Baszler into the crowd. Shotzi dives off the barricade onto Baszler and a few guys in the front row. Shotzi sends Rousey back into the ring. Shotzi goes up top. Rousey cuts her off, and Judo throws her off the top. Piper’s Pit by Rousey. Rousey locks in the Armbar. Shotzi taps out.

Winner and STILL SmackDown Women’s Champion, Ronda Rousey!

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/25/22)

Backstage, Reigns asks Zayn if he spoke to Owens last night. Zayn says yes. Reigns asks why he lied to Jey. Zayn says he didn’t want to put that on Jey’s plate before a big match. Reigns asks Zayn what Owens said to him. Zayn explains that Owens things he should turn on The Bloodline before they turn on him. Reigns flat-out asks Zayn if they can trust him. Zayne gets teary-eyed and details how much his spot in The Bloodline means to him. Reigns tells Zayn to stand up and he hugs him. Reigns face is ominously blank as we go back to the ring.

United States Championship Match: Seth “Freakin” Rollins (c) vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Austin Theory

As soon as the bell rings Lashley clothesline Theory over the top rope. Theory tries to get back in the ring, but Rollins clotheslines him back over the top. Lashley crushes Rollins in the corner with spear after spear. Rollins knees his way out of a suplex by Lashley. Theory pulls Rollins off the apron. Rollins slams his head into the ring apron. Theory attacks Lashley, but Lashley counters a suplex with one of his own. Rollins dives off the top but is plucked out of the air by Lashley. Lashley suplexes Rollins. Lashley DDTs Rollins while hitting a complete shot on Theory.

Lashley picks up Theory and hits Rollins with him. C4 by Lashley. Theory pulls the referee out of the ring to break the count. Theory runs from Lashley. Lashley tosses Theory into the timekeeper’s area. As Lashley and Theory fight outside of the ring, Rollins surprises Lashley with a flying knee off the apron. Rollins sends Lashley into the ringsteps. Theory hits Lashley and Rollins with the ring steps. Theory works over Rollins. Rollins fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Rollins lands a dive to Lashley, then Theory, then Lashley, then both Theory and Lashley. Rollins reverses a roll through ranna from Theory into a powerbomb. Theory kicks out.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/25/22)

Lashley pulls Theory out of the way of a Stomp from Rollins. Lashley puts Rollins in the Hurt Lock. Theory hops on Lashley’s back and puts him in a sleeper. Lashley starts to fade and lets the Hurt Lock go. Lashley sends Theory out of the ring. Rollins Pedigrees Lashley. Lashley kicks out. Rollins misses a phoenix splash. Theory pushes Rollins out of the ring. Running blockbuster by Theory. Rollins breaks up the pin with a frog splash. Lashley kicks out. Rollins and Theory trade reversals. Lashley puts both men in the Hurt Lock at the same time. Rollins escapes. Rollins leaps off Lashley’s back and hits a super Stomp on Lashley. Theory goes up top. Rollins cuts him off. Superplex by Rollins. Rollins lifts Theory up for a falcon arrow but Lashley Spears Rollins. Theory falls on top of Rollins, and the referee counts to three.

Winner and NEW United States Champion, Austin Theory!


WWE Survivor Series WarGames Results Continue On The Next Page!


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