WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (11/14/22)

Mia Yim vs. Tamina

As the bell rings, Rhea Ripley and Dominik walk down to ringside. In the confusion, Tamina bullrushes Yim. After a bodyslam, Tamina goes up top. Tamina misses her splash. Yim lands a ranna. Backstage, Damage CTRL is watching the match. Yim hits Eat de Feat for the win.

Winner- Mia Yim

Yim begs Ripley to get in the ring. Ripley gets on the apron and acts like she is going to, but she turns around. Now isn’t the time. Ripley says Yim isn’t worth her time.

Backstage, Bayley, Dakota Kai, and Iyo Sky ask Yim to join their WarGames team. Yim says she has no problem with Bianca and Co, so no.

Matt Riddle vs. Chad Gable w/Otis

Gable lands a flurry of offense. Riddle lands a strike. Riddle tries a broton, but Gable gets his knees up. Riddle goes up top. Otis kicks over the ring steps as a distraction. Gable cuts Riddle off and hits a German suplex off the top. After the break, Gable is working over Riddle’s injured arm. Gable takes a moment to shoosh the crowd as he set up a suplex. Riddle surprises Gable with a fisherman’s buster. Gable and Riddle trade shots while yelling shoosh and bro, respectively. Ripcord knee by Riddle. Exploder suplex by Riddle.

Riddle follows that with a broton. Powerbomb into a Kamigoye by Riddle. Gable kicks out. Gable reverses BroDerek into the ankle lock. Riddle rolls out of the hold. Flying triangle by Riddle. Gable reverses that into a fire DDT. Riddle manages to kick out. Gable tries a moonsault, but Riddle rolls out of the way. Gable lands on his feet. Riddle drops Gable with the Orton DDT. After another distraction from Otis, Gable avoids the RKO and rolls up Riddle. Otis holds down Gable’s legs to ensure the three count.

Winner- Chad Gable

Backstage, Tozawa forces his way into JBL and Baron Corbin’s poker game. JBL asks Tozawa if he knows how to play. Tozawa says no. JBL says he’s in.

Miz TV:

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