WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (10/7/22)

Intercontinental Championship Match: GUNTHER (c) vs. Sheamus

Both men send their teams to the back. They want to do this one-on-one. As soon as the bell rings both men tear into each other, trading shots. GUNTHER sends Sheamus out of the ring. Sheamus sends GUNTHER into the barricade over and over again. After the break, GUNTHER is bleeding from his mouth. GUNTHER walks right into a powerslam by Sheamus. GUNTHER blocks the ten beats. Both men fight on the apron.

GUNTHER destroys Sheamus with a chop. GUNTHER pulls Sheamus into the ring post. Sheamus lands a few strikes. GUNTHER traps Sheamus in a sleeper. Sheamus gets to his feet and breaks the hold. GUNTHER and Sheamus trade strikes. German suplex by GUNTHER. Both men are down.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (9/30/22)

As we come back from the break, GUNTHER has Sheamus’ wrist trapped and is laying in chops and elbows. Sheamus drives GUNTHER into the corner and breaks a sleeper attempt with a flurry of elbows. Sheamus’ chest is shredded and bleeding. Sheamus lands the ten beats of the Bodhran. GUNTHER falls into the second rope. Sheamus lays in ten more beats. GUNTHER falls to the bottom rope. Sheamus lands ten more beats. White noise off the second rope by Sheamus. GUNTHER kicks out.

Sheamus tries a cloverleaf but GUNTHER kicks him away. Dropkick by GUNTHER. GUNTHER blasts Sheamus with a powerbomb. Sheamus kicks out. GUNTHER focuses his assault on Sheamus’ back. GUNTHER crushes Sheamus with a top rope splash to his back. Sheamus kicks out at two. GUNTHER blocks the Brogue Kick.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (9/30/22)

Irish Curse Backbreaker by Sheamus. Sheamus puts GUNTHER in the cloverleaf. GUNTHER slaps the mat as he’s reaching the ropes. Sheamus and everyone else think GUNTHER tapped. GUNTHER gets to the ropes. IMPERIUM runs down to the ringside. Holland and Butch attack IMPERIUM. Kaiser hands GUNTHER Sheamus’ sheleighleigh. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick. GUNTHER counters with a lariat using the sheleighleigh for the win.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, GUNTHER!

After the match, both teams continue their brawl.



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