WWE RAW Results

WWE Raw Results (9/12/22)

Backstage, Rey Mysterio asks Edge not to wrestle Dominik tonight. Edge says sometimes lessons need to be beaten into people. Tonight, he’s going to do that for Dominik.

Handicap Match: Omos w/MVP vs. Tombs and Merazi

Omos tosses both men all over the ring. Omos Chokebombs both men. MVP tells Omos to stack them on top of each other. Omos does and pins them both at the same time.

Winner- Omos

Backstage, Rollins says he’s done with Riddle. How many times is he going to have to stomp Riddle’s head into the mat before he gets it? Rollins says he is the face of Monday Night Raw. Lashley walks in and questions that statement. Rollins challenges Lashley to a amtch next week for the United States Championship.

During an interview in The Miz’s home, Dexter Lumis is seen lurking in the background. After Miz tells his kids to go to bed, he leaves with Maryse for a premiere. As Miz and Maryse drive off, Lumis is in Miz’s home, drawing a picture. Lumis holds it up and it’s a drawing of Miz and his family.

Edge vs. Dominik w/Rhea Ripley

Edge lands a big boot. After a slam, Dominik rolls out of the ring. Ripley tells Dominik to get it together. Dominik gets back in the ring, Edge promptly sends Dominik flying back out to the floor. Edge slams Dominik into the barricade. Edge clears the announce desk after slamming Dominik into it. Dominik begs Uncle Edge to show mercy. Edge mocks Dominik before kicking him in the face.

Edge gets up on the apron, As the referee is distracted, Ripley trips Edge. Dominik pushes Edge into the ring steps. After the break, Dominik is working over Edge’s knee. Three amigos by Dominik. Dominik goes up top. Edge crotches him on the turnbuckle. Edge unloads on Dominik with headbutt after headbutt.

As Edge tries a superplex, Ripley hooks Dominik’s leg, and Edge goes sailing down to the mat. Frog splash by Dominik. Edge kicks out. Dominik sets up a figure four. Edge kicks Dominik into the ring post. Dominik walks into a flapjack by Edge. Dominik kicks out and immediately starts pounding on Edge’s knee.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (9/5/22)

Edge hits an impaler DDT. Edge calls for a Spear. Dominik counters with a Canadian Maple Leaf. Edge eventually manages to turn it into a small package. Dominik kicks out. Edge ties Dominik up in the ropes and lays in punch after punch. Edge slaps Dominik in the face. Dominik hangs there as Edge sets up a Spear. Mysterio runs down to the ring and begs Edge to stop. Priest appears and pulls Mysterio out of the ring and suplexes him on the apron. Bálor hits the ring and chop blocks Edge to cause a disqualification.

Winner- Edge

After the match, The Judgement Day works over Edge and Mysterio. Dominik hits Edge in the knee with a chair multiple times. Dominik and Priest lay Edge’s leg on a chair. Bálor dives off the top and crushes Edge’s leg with a double stomp. The Judgement Day poses over Edge’s lifeless body.


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