WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (9/6/22)

JD McDonagh vs. Wes Lee

Lee and McDonagh trade strikes and pin attempts. Lee gloats after avoiding a strike with a backflip. McDonagh goes low and traps Lee in the corner. McDonagh works over Lee. Lee sends McDonagh flying with a monkey flip. A dropkick by Lee sends McDonagh flying out of the ring. Lee lands a swan dive over the top, wiping out McDonagh.After the break, Lee fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Lee kicks McDonagh in the back of the head.

McDonagh doubles over. Lee lands a double stomp to McDonagh’s back. McDonagh rolls out of the ring. Lee sends McDonagh flying over the announce desk. Lee sends McDonagh back into the ring. Meteora by Lee. McDonagh tries a German suplex but Lee avoids it. McDonagh and Lee trade strikes. Lee lands a boot. McDonagh lands a headbutt that drops Lee. McDonagh boots Lee in the face and hits the Devil-Inside for the win.

Winner- JD McDonagh

Roxanne Perez vs. Meiko Satomura

Satomura and Perez trade pin and submission attempts. Perez surprises Satomura with spinning head scissors. Perez rolls up Satomura. Satomura reverses it into a choke. Perez counters that into a crossface. Satomura elbows her way out of the hold. Low dropkick by Perez. Suicide dive by Perez. Cora Jade is watching the match from backstage era. Satomura lands the Satomura Special. Satomura traps Perez in a bow and arrow. Perez fights her way out of it.

Satomura and Perez trade strikes. Perez blasts Satomura with multiple running sledgehammers. Perez runs into a head kick. Satomura tries a DVD but Perez turns it into a Koji Clutch. Satomura escapes and drives her knee into Perez’s face. Perez sends Satomura into the ropes. Satomura explodes with a spinning heel kick.

Satomura goes up top. Perez cuts her off and hits a ranna for a near fall. Perez lands a strike. Satomura almost decapitated Perez with an overhead kick. Satomura obliterates Perez with Scorpion Rising for the win.

Winner- Meiko Satomura

After the match, Cora Jade hits Perez with a kendo stick. Satomura hits the ring and Jade runs away.

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