WWE Clash at the Castle Results

WWE Clash at the Castle Results (9/3/22)

Riddle vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins

As soon as the bell rings Riddle and Rollins exchange strikes. Riddle beats Rollins into the corner. The referee gets in Riddle’s face. Rollins misses a punch which allows Riddle to hit multiple gut wrench suplexes. Rollins runs into a kick from Riddle. Riddle lands two bro tons. Rolling triangle by Riddle. Riddle sends Rollins out of the ring. Rollins catches Riddle’s PK attempt. Rollins sends Riddle flying into the barricade with a powerbomb.

Riddle is sent flying over the announce desk. Rollins works over Riddle back in the ring. Riddle is hung up in the ropes. Rollins lands a tree of woe double stomp for a near fall. Rollins hits a superplex. As Rollins tries to transition into a falcon arrow, Riddle reverses that into a fisherman’s buster.

Riddle lands a few strikes, followed by a flash knee. Flying elbow by Riddle. Rollins blocks Riddle’s exploder attempt. Rollins tries a roaring elbow but Riddle counters that into a snap exploder. Springboard floating bro by Riddle. Riddle reverses Rollins Pedigree attempt into the Bro 2 Sleep. Riddle tries another floating bro but Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins charges in and gets trapped in a flying triangle. Rollins gets to his feet and hits the Neutralizer. Riddle kicks out. Rollins tries the Stomp but ends up eating a knee from Riddle. Riddle tries a powerbomb but Rollins reverses it into the Pedigree. Riddle kicks out.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/26/22)

Rollins tells Riddle he’s a loser. His kids know it and his wife knows it. Riddle goes nuts and lands a bunch of rights and lefts. Rollins hits the Orton Hangman’s DDT. Rollins mocks Orton and calls for the RKO. Riddle counter Rollins RKO with a rear naked choke. Rollins rolls to his stomach. Riddle reigns down elbow strikes to Rollins’ head. Rollins rolls out of the ring. Riddle tries to hit Rollins with a chair but he moves out of the way. As Riddle is getting back in the ring, Rollins lands the Stomp. Rollins goes up top and hits another Stomp from the second rope for the win.

Winner- Seth “Freakin” Rollins

WWE Clash at the Castle Results Continues On The Next Page!