nwa 74 results night one

NWA 74 Results (Night Two) – World Title Match, Kamille vs. Max The Impaler

Missouri Tornado Tag Match: Aron Stevens & Rodney Mack vs. JR Kratos & Pope

The action gets underway quickly. Pope hits a stalling vertical suplex on Mack. Stevens, who ran to the back to avoid Kratos, comes back to the ring with his former partner following him. Pope pokes Stevens in the eye, and Kratos takes the fight to him. Mack drags Pope out of the ring and slams him into the apron. Kratos squares off with Mack and slams him. Stevens punches Kratos, who drills him with a clothesline, an elbow, and a shoulder block. He clotheslines Steven in the corner and sends him to the outside with another one. Pope dives onto Mack and Stevens at ringside. Mack gets a chair and blasts Kratos with it. Stevens grabs a microphone and says, “This is why I hate wrestling.” He calls the fans “bloodthirsty savages” and says he’s above them. Kratos slams Stevens to the mat with a spinebuster. Mack dishes one out to Kratos.

Pope takes Mack down with a dropkick. Stevens and Kratos fight up the ramp after Pope and Mack do the same. They’re battling behind the video screen. Kratos and Pope take turns punching Stevens. Kratos locks in the claw and drills Stevens with a shot to the face. Mack locks Pope in a choke, but Kratos trips him up, so Pope falls on top of him and pins him for the win.

WinnersJR Kratos & Pope

EC3 vs. Thom Latimer

EC3 gains the upper hand early on and overpowers Latimer. He grounds his opponent and slams him head-first into the mat. Latimer rallies and slams EC3 to the mat. EC3 spits in his face, and Latimer gets fired up, as he punches EC3 in the ropes. Several members of Control Your Narrative charge the ring, and the referee rules the match a no contest.

Result: No Context

The CYN members hold Latimer while EC3 grabs a chair. He goes to swing it and stops, telling Latimer that he has been warned.

Backstage, Father James Mitchell guarantees success for Max The Impaler in their match against Kamille.

NWA World Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) vs. Max The Impaler (with Father James Mitchell)

Bully Ray joins the broadcast team for this match. Max overpowers Kamille early on, but the champion fights back. Max slams Kamille head-first by grabbing her hair. The challenger drops Kamille with two short-arm clotheslines. Max trucks over Kamille and continues to control the action. They drill Kamille with more clotheslines in the corner.  Max stomps Kamille’s head into the turnbuckle. Kamille rallies and hits a diving crossbody. Kamille gets a one count with a missile dropkick. The champion gets a two count with a torture rack slam. Kamille dodges a Spear attempt and hits one of her own. Mitchell puts Max’s foot on the ropes to break up the pin.

The Miserably Faithful come to the ring, but Kamille fights them off. Kamille drops Sal the Pal with a Spear. Max capitalizes and hits Welcome to the Wasteland for a near fall. Max goes for it again, but Kamille counters. Both competitors are down after a double clothesline. Kamille rolls Max up for the win.

Winner and still NWA World Women’s Champion: Kamille

William Patrick Corgan comes to the ring.  He looks back on the NWA’s history and says the company keeps making history thanks to the fans. He announces that NWA will be back “here” next year for NWA 75. He asks for a moment of silence for those who have passed away in the past year; Daffney, Reggie Parks, Estrella Blanca, Jimmy Rave, Blackjack Lanza, Mickie Henson, Scott Hall, Dave Hebner, Tim White, Gene LeBell, and Howard Brody are honored.

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion: Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Tyrus (with BLK Jeez)

Tyrus and Murdoch square off. Murdoch quickly exits the ring and plants Jeez with a DDT. Murdoch hits a bulldog for a two count, and Tyrus leaves the ring to collect himself. Murdoch drives him back-first into the ring post. Tyrus hits the heart punch. Back in the ring, he hits a leg drop. Murdoch rallies, but when the match spills back to the outside, Tyrus slams Murdoch onto the floor. Tyrus moves to punch Murdoch’s son, but he doesn’t. Murdoch gains the upper hand and dives onto Tyrus with a crossbody. Tyrus suplexes Murdoch to escape a sleeper hold. The challenger steps on Murdoch. He does push-ups on the champion and continues to control the bout. Tyrus hits a hip attack in the corner.

Murdoch fires up with some shots to the face. He locks in the sleeper hold. Tyrus drives him into the corner, and the referee gets knocked down. The official quickly gets back to his feet. Murdoch leaves the ring and gets the ring bell. He opts not to use it, and the momentary hesitation gives Tyrus enough room to hit a heart punch for a near fall. While the referee isn’t looking, Murdoch hits Tyrus below the belt, and he hits a bulldog for a near fall. He scores the win with a second bulldog.

Winner and still NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion: Trevor Murdoch

The two men shake hands after the match. Murdoch gets a microphone and says he knows Tyrus wasn’t prepared for this. Tyrus walks away, and Murdoch calls him a “bitch.” Murdoch thanks the fans and leaves the ring.

RELATED: Kamille On Her NWA Women’s Title Reign: It’s Been An Incredible Year, It’s An Honor To Rank Alongside Legends