WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/15/22)

Backstage, Riddle gets stopped by Kevin Patrick. Riddle issues a challenge to Rollins for a match at Clash at the Castle.

Veer Mahaan vs. Beaux Keller

Keller runs around the ring to avoid a charging Mahaan. Keller rolls out of the ring. Mahaan follows. Keller catches Mahaan with a dropkick as he rolls back in the ring. Mahaan tosses Keller over the top rope. Keller struggles to get to his feet. Mahaan destroys Keller with the million-dollar arm. Keller taps out to the Cervical Clutch.

Winner- Veer Mahaan


United States Championship Match: Bobby Lashley (c) vs. AJ Styles

Lashley floors Styles with a shoulder block. Lashley works over Styles in the corner. Dropkick by Styles. Styles tries a dive but gets picked off the apron by Lashley. Lashley tries to drive Styles’ head into the ring post but Styles escapes. Sliding knee by Styles. Styles catches Lashley with a diving elbow strike. After the break, Lashley whips Styles into the ring post. Before Styles can react, Lashley drives Styles into the barricade. Lashley brings Styles back into the ring to pound on him in the corner. Styles surprises Lashley with a head kick.

Lashley and Styles trade strikes. Styles almost drives Styles through the mat. Miz and Ciampa walk down to ringside. Lashley sends Styles into the turnbuckle, chest first. Styles blocks Lashley’s suplex attempt. Lashley suplexes Styles on the top rope. Styles is sent to the outside area. Miz tries to attack Styles but Dexter Lumis jumps the barricade wearing a hood. Security swarms and tackles Lumis as Miz looks on, totally confused. After the break, Lashley sits Styles up top.

Styles escapes and hits a torture rack powerbomb for a near fall. Lashley back body drops Styles out of the Styles Clash. Lashley hits the C4 for a near fall. Styles rolls Lashley into the Calf Crusher. Lashley reverses that into the Hurt Lock. Styles turns that into a pin. Lashley is forced to release the hold. Styles tries the Phonemonial Forearm but Lashley moves. Lashley cuts Styles in half with a Spear for the win.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Bobby Lashley!


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