WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/15/22)

Kevin Owens vs. Drew McIntyre

Owens and McIntyre trade shots. McIntyre turns Owens inside out with a shoulder block. McIntyre runs into an elbow by Owens. Owens sends McIntyre into the ring post. Owens immediately tells McIntyre to suck it before hitting a cannonball in the corner. Senton by Owens. Owens lands a moonsault off the second rope. McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre fights out of a suplex by Owens. Owens sends McIntyre out of the ring. Frog splash by Owens off the apron.

After the break, McIntyre tosses Owens around the ring with overhead belly-to-belly suplexes. Owens avoids the future shock DDT and hits a DDT of his own. Owens tries a senton bomb but McIntyre gets his knees up. McIntyre gets a near fall after a Michinoku Driver. McIntyre sets up a superplex. Owens crotches McIntyre on the top rope. Owens hits a tree of woe cannonball.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (8/8/22)

McIntyre rolls to the middle of the ring. Owens lands a frog splash and a senton bomb but McIntyre kicks out. Owens goes back up top but is cut off by McIntyre. McIntyre lands a Kryptonite Crunch off the top. Owens kicks out. McIntyre and Owens trade strikes. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. The Uso hit the ring and attack McIntyre to cause a disqualification.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

McIntyre tosses both Usos out of the ring. McIntyre turns around and eats a Stunner. Owens tells Jimmy and Jey to tell Reigns he owes him one. Owens leaves the ring. The Usos swarm McIntyre. McIntyre dumps them both out of the ring again.

In-Ring Segment: Seth “Freakin” Rollins

Rollins is here to have a front-row seat when Riddle does the smart thing and tells the entire world that he is retiring. Riddle inturupts on the ‘Tron and says he’s medically cleared and the next time he sees Rollins, it’s on. Rollins says he wishes Riddle was here now so he can Stomp out the last of Riddle’s brain cells.

Riddle reveals he’s actually in the arena. Riddle rushes the ring. Rollins almost lands a Stomp as soon as Riddle gets in the ring. Rollins and Riddle trade attacks. Riddle gets tripped off the apron. Rollins tries to Stomp Riddle on the announce desk. Riddle moves and pushes Rollins into the crowd. Rollins runs away. Riddle gives chase.


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