WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/11/22)

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch stands on the announce desk. Lynch says she was devastated when she didn’t win Money in the Bank. She goes on and on about Carmella getting a title shot over her after she beat Asuka in a no-DQ match last week. She is being forced to jump through hoops to get her title back. She doesn’t care who wins tonight, she wants her shot at SummerSlam

Raw Women’s Championship Match: Bianca Belair (c) vs. Carmella

Belair tosses Carmella all over the place. Carmella falls out of the ring. Belair sends Carmella into the announce desk. Belair and Lynch argue. After the break, Carmella works over Belair. Carmella leaps off the top but Belair catches her in midair. Belair hits a suplex followed by a series of strikes. Glam Slam by Belair. Carmella hooks Belair’s leg before she can handstand into a moonsault.

Belair tries a standing moonsault but Carmella gets her knees up. Superkick by Carmella. Belair kicks out. Carmella tries another but Belair lifts her in the air and deposits her face-first on the turnbuckle. Belair tries the KOD but Carmella hooks the ropes twice. Belair powers Carmella off the ropes but Carmella turns the KOD into the X-Factor. Kick out by Belair. After a distraction by Lynch, Belair is counted out.

Winner- Carmella

After the match, Carmella celebrates with the title, even though she didn’t win the title. Belair gets pissed and attacks Carmella. Belair drops Carmella with the KOD.

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