WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/4/22)

4th of July Celebration

R-Truth is dressed as Uncle Sam. He says stuff. He loves this holiday. Ludwig Kaiser interrupts and introduces The Intercontinental Champion Gunther. Gunther and Kaiser get in the ring. Gunther slaps the wig off of R-Truth’s head.

Gunther vs. R-Truth

Gunther slaps R-Truth and hits his finish for the win.

Winner- Gunther

No Holds Barred Match: Becky Lynch vs. Asuka

Lynch immediately pulls a table from under the ring before Asuka makes her entrance. After the break, Asuka walks to the ring in a Jason-style hockey mask carrying a trash can. Lynch has pilled up a bunch of chairs as well. Lynch charges in with a chair and gets hit with the trash can. Lynch kicks out. Asuka hits Lynch in the back with a chair. Asuka goes out of the ring to grab a chair. Lynch stomps Asuka on her way into the ring. Lynch struggles to set a chair up in the corner.

Asuka tries to slam Lynch’s head into a chair but Lynch puts on the brakes. Asuka leaps off a chair and dropkicks Lynch into the chair in the corner. Asuka tries to powerbomb Lynch on the chairs outside of the ring. Lynch escapes and sends Asuka flying into the chairs with an exploder suplex. Lynch tries another chair shot but Asuka pops her in the gut. Lynch stumbles to the barricade while holding a chair. Asuka lands a hip attack that sends Lynch flying through the barricade.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE RAW Results (6/27/22)

After the break, Lynch hits Asuka with another chair. Lynch goes up top. Asuka hits Lynch in the gut with a chair. Asuka superplexes Lynch on a pile of chairs. Lynch kicks out. Asuka puts the garbage can on Lynch’s head. Asuka lands a flurry of strikes on the trash can. Lynch gets to her feet. Asuka hits a missile dropkick off the top. Lynch kicks out. Asuka pulls a table from under the ring. Lynch attacks from behind and launches Asuka into the ring steps.

Lynch brings the table into the ring. Asuka almost locks in the Asuka Lock. Lynch backs her into the corner. Asuka pulls an umbrella from under the ring. Lynch pulls it away. Asuka tries the mist but Lynch blocks it with the umbrella. Lynch hits a Manhandle Slam off the second rope through a table for the win.

Winner- Becky Lynch


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