WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (6/13/22)

Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop vs. Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan (Winning Team will be added to the Women’s MTIB Ladder Match)

Bliss hits a DDT on Nikki for the win.

Winners- Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan

Kevin Owens vs. Ezekiel

Owens attacks as soon as the bell rings. Owens hits a swanton for a near fall. Ezekiel sends Owens into the ring post. Spinebuster by Ezekiel. Owens kicks out. Ezekiel drops Owens with a DVD on the ring steps. After the break, Owens tries another senton but Ezekiel gets his knees up. Owens gets distracted yelling at the commentators and gets counted out.

Winner- Ezekiel

After the match, Ezekiel announces that his brother Elias is coming back for a concert on Raw next week. Owens screams that Ezekiel is a liar.

MVP w/Omos vs. Cedric Alexander

MVP works over Alexander. Ballin’ elbow by MVP. MVP hits the Playmaker for the win.

Winner- MVP

After the match, Omos tosses Alexander out of the ring at the behest of MVP.

Check out last week’s coverage here: WWE RAW Results (6/6/22)

Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Seth “Freaking” Rollins vs. AJ Styles

Styles is all over Rollins. Both men trade pin attempts. Styles floors Rollins with a dropkick. Rollins rolls out of the ring, Styles lands a flying forearm. Backbreaker by Styles. Rollins knocks Styles off the apron. Rollins sends Styles flying over the announce desk with a suicide dive. After the break, Rollins works over Styles. Styles fires up and catches Rollins with a wheelbarrow facebuster. Rollins kicks out.

Styles rolls Rollins into the Calf Crusher. Rollins gets to the ropes. Styles counters Rollins buckle bomb into a suplex into the corner. Rollins kicks out again. Styles tries a Phenomenal Forearm but Rollins moves out of the way. Styles tweaks his knee as he lands. Bucklebomb by Rollins. Rollins fights his way out of the Styles Clash. Rollins rolls up Styles for the win.

Winner- Seth “Freaking” Rollins

Riddle vs. Ciampa

Miz is out for commentary for the match. Ciampa misses a running knee as soon as the bell rings. Riddle traps him in a triangle. Ciampa slams Riddle’s head into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Ciampa and Riddle trade strikes. Ciampa stomps on Riddle’s foot. DDT bu Ciampa. Riddle kicks out. Ciampa works over Riddle.

Check out last week’s coverage here: WWE RAW Results (6/6/22)

Riddle fires up and hits a hangman’s DDT. Riddle calls for the RKO. Ciampa reverses it into a toe lock. Ciampa slams Riddle’s toe into the mat. Regal Knee by Ciampa. Riddle kicks out. Ciampa sets up the Fairytale Ending. Riddle reverses it and hits the Floating Bro. Riddle lands an RKO for the win.

Winner- Riddle

In-Ring Segment: Bianca Belair

Kevin Patrick asks how she is going to handle the more aggressive version of Rhea Ripley. Belair says there was a friendly competition with Ripley over the years. She doesn’t recognize this Ripley. Belair isn’t scared of Ripley. Ripley and the rest of The Judgement Day. Priest and Bálor say they booted Edge because he taught them not to listen to those who tell them what to do. Ripley says Belair has no chance of retaining her title at MITB.

Chad Gable w/Otis vs. Mustafa Ali

Gable hits the Chaos Theory on Ali after a distraction by Otis.

Winner- Chad Gable

Rey Mysterio w/Dominik vs. Veer Mahaan

Mahaan tosses Mysterio all over the ring. Mysterio avoids a charging Mahaan. Mahaan eats the post and falls out of the ring. Mahaan boots Dominik in the face and sends him over the barricade with a Million Dollar Arm. Back in the ring, Mahaan locks Mysterio in the Cervical Clutch for the win.

Winner- Verr Mahaan

Pose Down

Adam Pearce is presiding over the contest. Theory is wearing a mic. Pearce tries to give the rules but Theory inturupts and tries to tell Pearce how this is going to go. Pearce stands his ground and tells Theory to get on the stand and start or he will be disqualified. Theory poses. Lashley laughs and tells Theory he brought this on himself. He’s going to win this, then he’s taking Theory’s title. Lashley poses and naturally obliterates Theory. Lashley wins easily. Theory squirts Lashley in the eyes with baby oil. Theory dropkicks Lashley out of the ring.






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