WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (5/30/22)

Alexa Bliss vs. Doudrop w/Nikki A.S.H.

Doudrop runs over Bliss. Bliss rolls out of the way of a  senton. Bliss gets to her feet but Doudrop runs over her again. Doudrop misses a Vader Bomb but Bliss moves out of the way. Bliss goes up top. Nikki gets on the apron but Bliss kicks her away. Bliss hits Twisted Bliss for the win.

Winner- Alexa Bliss

Miz TV

Miz goes on and on about the premiere of Miz and Mrs next week. Maryse will be here to help commemorate it. The Street Profits music hits and they join him in the ring. Miz is not amused. Ford gives himself and Dawkins an introduction. Miz is incredulous. Dawkins and Ford talk about the Hell in a Cell card.

Ford notes they are being rude because they haven’t asked Miz what he thinks. Miz starts to talk but Ford and Dawkins tell Miz it doesn’t matter what he thinks. Miz goes nuts. Dana Brooke hops the barricade. Brooke is being chased but the 24/7 field. Brooke runs into a Samoan drop by Tamina. Tamina pins Brooke.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, Tamina!

Tamina picks Tozawa up and lays a kiss on him. Tozawa backslides Tamina for a three count.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, Tozawa!

Ciampa vs. Mustafa Ali (If Ali wins, he gets a United States Championship Match)

Theory is out for commentary for the match. Ciampa works over Ali. Ali fires up and sends Ciampa out of the ring. Ali lands a nasty suicide dive. Theory attacks Ali as he is getting back in the ring causing a disqualification. Theory tosses Ali into the ring post.

Winner- Mustafa Ali

Theory grabs a mic and says a win is a win. He’s going to give Ali his title shot right now.

United States Championship Match: Theory (c) vs. Mustafa Ali

Theory has been beating down Ali during the entire commercial break. The referee asks Ali if he can start the match. Ali agrees and slowly gets to his feet. As soon as the bell rings Theory is all over Ali. Big back body drop by Theory. Ali kicks out. Theory slams Theory’s head into the middle turnbuckle. Ali surprises Theory with a superkick. Satellite DDT by Ali. Ali goes up top. Theory crotches Ali on the top rope. Theory hits the ATL for the win.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Theory!

After the match, Adam Pearce walks out on the stage and tells Theory he should have checked his text messages. Mr. McMahon appreciates what Theory did here tonight but he’d rather see the two of them in a fair fight. Ali will get another shot at the title at Hell in a Cell.

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