WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (5/2/22): The Bloodline Comes To RAW And More

Damian Priest and Edge come to the ring. Edge says they are Judgement Day and he knows that people don’t like him anymore, but that’s because they don’t like themselves. He tells the crowd it’s a miracle that the fans could lace their shoes and count high enough to find their seats. Edge says if Greensboro had a sports team, they’d be the Lemmings. He tells Styles to not be a lemming and says by not staying home, he’s rushing into pain and judgement at WrestleMania Backlash.

Damian Priest (with Edge) vs. AJ Styles

“The Phenomenal One” takes the fight to Priest right away. Priest fires back with some stiff shots. He gains the upper hand and grounds Styles. The former WWE Champion sends Priest crashing to the floor and dives onto him. In doing so, he seemingly hurts his shoulder. Priest launches Styles shoulder-first into the ring post. Back in the ring, Priest maintains the advantage, but Styles rallies and slams Priest for a two count. Priest kicks Styles’ hurt arm and floors him with a backbreaker.

“The Phenomenal One” rocks Priest with a kick, but the powerhouse hits South of Heaven for a two count. Edge distracts Styles, but the fan-favorite still rolls Priest up for the win.

Winner: AJ Styles; as a result, Priest is barred from ringside during Styles’ match with Edge at WrestleMania Backlash

Edge and Priest attack Styles after the match. Finn Balor makes the save and sends Edge and Priest running. Styles and Balor “Too Sweet” each other.

MVP is talking to Omos backstage. Cedric Alexander interrupts and reminds MVP about the Hurt Business and the good old days. MVP says he has no interest in renewing their past association, but Alexander tells him that he wants to prove himself. He says he has a match with Bobby Lashley tonight, and MVP tells him he’ll be watching.

Miz TV with The Miz and Mustafa Ali

The Miz reminds everyone how Mustafa Ali crashed the show last week and invites him to the ring. Ali gets into the ring, and The Miz says he, like the fans is happy to see Ali. The microphone isn’t working for Ali, so Miz keeps talking. He recalls how he was giving Theory advice before Ali showed up. Miz says the WWE Universe has forgotten about Ali and tells him not to complain about it on Twitter. Ali grabs the working microphone and says people forget that The Miz still works there. He says he relies on the fans because they’re the only ones who matter. The Miz gets in Ali’s face and says he’ll live to regret it.

Theory comes to the ring and says that unlike Ali, people want to hear what he has to say. He says he went to Vince McMahon and had The Miz’s loss from last week wiped from the record. Ali fires back by saying they both talk too much. He states that he wants to earn a chance to challenge for Theory’s WWE United States Championship. Theory says that McMahon has agreed to give him a Championship Contenders Match. The champion wonders if Ali can handle the heat, and Ali says if anyone knows about handling heat, it’s him. Theory reveals that Ali will be facing him and The Miz.

Championship Contenders Match: Mustafa Ali vs. Theory and The Miz

The match begins during a commercial. Miz and Theory team up to send Ali crashing to the floor. Theory keeps Ali grounded and tags in The Miz. Ali rallies with a dropkick to Theory and catches The Miz with a neckbreaker. Theory distracts Ali, and The Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winners: The Miz and Theory

The champion snaps a selfie with The Miz. Ciampa blindsides Ali with another attack from behind.

Backstage, Dana Brooke argues with Reggie, who wants to go on a honeymoon. They run into R-Truth, and Brooke says he should apologize to  her. Truth says he wants and needs his baby back. Nikki A.S.H. pins Brooke to win the gold, and everyone chases after her. Brooke yells at Reggie and says he was supposed to protect her. She tells him to get her a rematch.

WWE 24/7 Champion: Nikki A.S.H. (c) vs. Dana Brooke

Tamina, Akira Tozawa, R-Truth, and Reggie are at ringside for this bout. Brooke quickly sends A.S.H. to the outside. A.S.H. traps her in the apron and punches her. Back in the ring, Brooke gains momentum with a flurry of offense, and she pins A.S.H. for the win.

Winner and new WWE 24/7 Champion: Dana Brooke

Everyone tries to pin Brooke after the match. Brooke escapes them and tells Reggie she wants a divorce.

In an interview, Becky Lynch discusses Asuka’s return and points out that Asuka has never faced “Big Time Becks.” She says that her comeback story starts with ending Asuka.

Seth Rollins Appreciation Night

Rollins comes to the ring and says it’s his turn to be celebrated because he deserves it. He says he’s a fashion icon, a global sex symbol, and a visionary and a revolutionary. A spotlight centers on Rollins, and the fans sing his theme song. The fans start chanting for Cody Rhodes, and Rollins claims that Rhodes tried to steal his spotlight. He says he’ll prove that he is the spotlight at WWE WrestleMania Backlash. Rollins states that some of them have forgotten how good he is because they’re wrapped up in the fanfare for “The American Nightmare.” The fans keep chanting for Cody, and Rollins says he loves reminding everyone how good he is. He points to the screen so that it can play a video package about him, but Rhodes shows up instead.

Rollins asks Rhodes why he’s sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. Rhodes congratulates Rollins but questions why he’s unraveling at the seams. He says it’s like Rollins’ WrestleMania loss is like an albatross around his neck and he just can’t shake it. Rhodes tells Rollins that he’s been a gentleman, but he thinks Rollins is about to cross a line. He tells Rollins he’s a great superstar, but he’s delusional. Rollins fires back by telling Rhodes that just like Cody, Dusty was an egomaniac who thought he transcended the business. He says Dustin was delusional, and Cody is too. Rollins states that Dusty wasn’t good enough to win the title, and as long as he’s here, Cody won’t win it either. The two men brawl, and Cody gains the upper hand. Cody throws Rollins’ jacket into the crowd.

Bobby Lashley vs. Cedric Alexander

Right when the bell rings, Omos’ music plays. The distraction helps Alexander briefly gains the upper hand. Lashley keeps fighting, even as MVP talks some trash and hypes up Omos ahead of his match with “The All Mighty” on Sunday. Lashley slams Alexander into the barricade and sends him crashing into the ring post. The former WWE Champion floors Alexander with a Spear and makes him tap to the Hurt Lock.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

After the bell, Lashley dares Omos to come to the ring, but MVP stops him.

Backstage, Liv Morgan says she did the same thing to Rhea Ripley that she did to her. Morgan explains that she believes Ripley is actually disappointed in herself.

The broadcast team runs through the card for WWE WrestleMania Backlash.

Backstage, R-Truth consoles Reggie and tries to get him to see the positives. Reggie says he had the love of his life, and he blew it. R-Truth compares his loss to his own situation, as he lost the title. Truth asks Reggie if he has a pre-nup and reveals that he’s a certified divorce attorney. They walk by a disheartened Nikki A.S.H. Doudrop comes up to her and askes her if she’s ready to take things more seriously. Nikki says yes.

Becky Lynch, Sonya Deville and Rhea Ripley vs. Asuka, Bianca Belair and Liv Morgan

Asuka and Lynch start the match, and “The Empress of Tomorrow” quickly forces Lynch to tag out. Belair tags in, and Deville avoids her by tagging Ripley. “The Nightmare” slams Belair to the mat by her hair. Ripley and Deville gang up on Belair. “The EST” takes Deville down with a dropkick. Morgan tags in and double-teams Deville with Belair. Lynch tags in and squares off with Morgan. Liv stuns her with a flurry of offense and rocks her with a missile dropkick. A distraction from Ripley helps Lynch gain the upper hand, but Morgan dives onto Ripley outside the ring. Ripley overpowers Morgan, and Lynch keeps up the attack.

Morgan rallies with a DDT and tags Belair. “The EST” drops Ripley with a shoulder tackle and suplexes Ripley. Deville and Ripley drop Belair with a double superplex. Asuka tags in and suplexes Deville. She blasts Deville with a knee strike. Morgan tags in, and the match breaks down into chaos as everyone takes each other out. Deville nails Morgan with a knee to the face. Deville tries to cheat by putting her feet on the ropes during a pin. She orders the official to count, but she has no power. Morgan pins Deville with the Oblivion.

WinnersAsuka, Bianca Belair and Liv Morgan

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