WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (4/25/22)

Backstage, MVP says Lashley didn’t look like a winner tonight. Lashley isn’t All-Mighty without him. Omos officially challenges Lashley to a match at WrestleMania Backlash. Omos grabs KP and says when he is done with Lashley, there won’t be anything left.

RK-Bro, Cody Rhodes, and Ezekiel vs. The Usos, Kevin Owens, and Seth Rollins

Before the bell rings, Ezekiel attacks Owens, and a big brawl breaks out. Orton and Co clear the ring. After the break, Ezekiel lands a delayed verticle suplex for a near fall on Jimmy Uso. Riddle tags in and lands a few strikes. Riddle tags in Orton and they hit an assisted floating bro. Orton Garvin stomps Jimmy. Rhodes tags in and continues the assault. After a distraction from Rollins, Jimmy takes control.

Rhodes manages to tag in Ezekiel, who clears the ring. Riddle tags in and tries a broton but Rollins gets his knees up. Riddle goes up top. Rollins cuts him off and lands an avalanche reverse superplex. After the break, Riddle lands a senton off the top. Rollins tags in Jimmy, who stops Riddle from making it to his corner. The heels continue working over Riddle. Jimmy lands a spin kick that forces Riddle to stumble into his own corner.

Orton tags in and clears the ring. Orton tries the hangman’s DDT but Jey pulls Orton out of the ring. Orton suplexes Jimmy on the announce desk. Rollins flies in with a running knee but Orton sidesteps suplexes him on the announce desk. Owens charges in and also gets suplexed on the desk. Orton RKOs Owens. Riddle lifts up Jimmy and tosses him into an RKO by Orton. Jey dives off the top into an RKO by Orton. Orton pins Jey.

Winners- RK-Bro, Cody Rhodes, and Ezekiel!




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