NWA Crockett Cup Matt Cardona Nick Aldis Jeff Jarrett
Image Credit: NWA

NWA Crockett Cup Night Two Results (3/20/22): Matt Cardona vs. Nick Aldis, Tournament Concludes

NWA World Women’s Tag Team Championships: The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) (c) vs. Kenzie Paige & Ella Envy

The champions control the bout early on. Envy tries to use some Bella-like twin magic, but Kay sees right through and maintains the advantage. The challengers rally and double-team Belle behind the referee’s back. Paige aggressively fights Belle, but the latter dodges a double-team move. Kay tags in, and the champions hit Hex Marks The Spot for the win.

Winners and still NWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions: The Hex

NWA Junior Heavyweight Championship: Austin Aries vs. Colby Corino vs. Darius Lockhart vs. Homicide

The action is fast and furious early on. Lockheart gets a two count with a crossbody on Corino. Both men dive onto their opponents outside the ring. Corino slams Lockheart to the mat. All four men are in the ring again, as Homicide and Aries try to one-up each other with some chops. Homicide bites Corino, and Aries refuses to do the same to Lockheart. Simultaneous submissions by Aries and Corino don’t produce a winner. Corino gets a two count with a piledriver on Aries. A shin-breaker/suplex combination from Aries floors Lockheart. Homicide catches Aries with a cutter, and the Cop Killa earns Homicide the victory.

Winner and new NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion: Homicide

In an interview, former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Trevor Murdoch says he’s not happy about “what’s going on.” He says that Nick Aldis stepped over him to challenge for the Ten Pounds of Gold, and he’s not okay with it. Murdoch states that Matt Cardona took everything from him, so he’s “coming for [his] ass”, in Murdoch’s words. The former champion blames the fans for cheering Cardona on. He says he has nothing to lose because he’s been fired from everywhere else. Murdoch makes it clear that he’ll go out on his terms and vows that Aldis and Cardona will both have to face him.

NWA World Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) vs. Chelsea Green vs. Kylie Rae

Green clotheslines Kamille to the outside shortly after the match starts. Rae takes Green to the mat with two arm drags and a dropkick. Kamille overpowers Rae, but the “Smiley Kylie” fires up with a flurry of offense. The champion drills her with a big boot. Green gains the upper hand with a missile dropkick. She continues to control the match, as she slams Kamille into the turnbuckle. Rae rallies and winds up locking both of her opponents in a crossface, but Green reaches the ropes. Green powerbomb Kamille while she’s superplexing Rae. All three women trade blows. Kamille catches Green with a Radio Silence for a two count, as Green reached the ropes. The champion locks Green in the torture rack, but the referee gets kicked by the challenger’s legs when Kamille spins around.

Rae slams Green for a two count after Kamille goes crashing to the floor. Kamille spears Rae for the victory.

Winner and still NWA World Women’s Champion: Kamille

Thom Latimer celebrates with Kamille after the match. Chris Adonis is absent, leading the broadcast team to question whether there’s a problem with Strictly Business.

NWA World Television Championship: Tyrus (c) vs. Rodney Mack

Tyrus and Mack feel each other out, and the champion drills the champion with some body shots. Tyrus overpowers Mack and squashes him with a splash in the corner. The champion continues to control the match, as he suplexes Mack. The challenger gains some momentum with a superplex that leaves both men down. Tyrus gets back to his feet and blasts Mack with the heart punch for the three count.

Winner and still NWA World Television Champion: Tyrus

In a backstage interview, Aron Stevens is asked whether he’s “okay.” He says “nay” because he’s not in the finals of the Crockett Cup. When asked whether he’ll become a singles competitor, Stevens says he doesn’t know. He references his history as a stunt double and a karate master. Stevens says he was transcended wrestling, and he vows to reinvent the sport as we know it by going far outside the box.

NWA Crockett Cup Finals: The Briscoes vs. The Commonwealth Connection (Harry Smith and Doug Williams)

The match is a hard-fought battle from the start. The Briscoes showcase their unmatched chemistry, while Smith demonstrates his unmatched power. Mark fires up with a flurry of offense, and he makes the tag to Jay. A big boot drops Smith, but the powerhouse avoids the Jay Driller. Williams tags in and takes control of the bout. The Commonwealth Connection isolates Jay, and Smith continues to overpower him. Jay rallies and tags Mark, who immediately chops Smith and blasts him with a forearm. Mark hits a diving chop before he plants Smith with a fisherman Brainbuster. Smith superplexes Mark for a two count.

Williams tags in and gets a two count with a Tiger Driver. All four men are down after a chaotic flurry. Mark suplexes Williams, and Jay plants the veteran with a Death Valley Driver. The Froggy Bow from Mark earns the brothers a near fall. Williams gets a near fall of his own after a German suplex on Mark. Jay sends Smith out of the ring and hits the Jay Driller on Williams. Mark hits the Froggy Bow for the win.

Winners of the match and the 2022 Crockett Cup: The Briscoes

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship (Special Guest Referee – Jeff Jarrett): Matt Cardona (c) vs. Nick Aldis

After the introductions, Jarrett says he’ll do his part to deliver a great title match, and he tells the competitors to do the same. Cardona attacks Aldis before the bell starts, but the referee separates the two men to establish some order. Aldis takes the champion down and punches him. The challenger sends Cardona to the outside, and the latter flips off Tim Storm at the commentary table. Cardona grabs the title and starts to walk away, but Jarrett refuses to count him out. Jarrett calls him “Slapnut” and states that the match will end when he says so. Tim Storm pushes Cardona back into the ring, but the champion quickly escapes.

This time, Aldis chases after Cardona. The champion thumbs Aldis in the eye, but “The National Treasure” throws him into the crowd. The two men brawl around the arena, and Cardona shoves Jarrett. Aldis suplexes Cardona onto the stage. Cardona sends Aldis crashing into the ring post and hits him with a Russian Legsweep into the barricade. The champion plants Aldis with a double-underhook DDT onto the concrete floor. Back in the ring, Jarrett stops Cardona from using his tape to choke Aldis. Cardona maintains the advantage by focusing on Aldis’ neck. The challenger rallies with a back suplex. Cardona mocks Jarrett’s strut before he eats a clothesline. The two competitors trade blows, and Cardona flips off Aldis. The challenger fires back with a clothesline. Cardona catches him with the Codebreaker, and he takes too long to taunt when he goes for the Figure-Four. Aldis counters and locks it in himself.

Cardona escapes and hits the Unprettier for a near fall. Jarrett stops Cardona from using the title as a weapon, and Aldis drops the champion with a piledriver. He hits a diving elbow drop for a near fall. Aldis grabs the title, but Jarrett stops him too. When Jarrett isn’t looking, Cardona hits Aldis below the belt and hits the Radio Silence for a near fall. Cardona goes crashing to the floor, where he’s helped up by Mike Knox and VSK. The Commonwealth Connection attacks Knox and VSK to make sure they don’t interfere. Jarrett punches VSK and throws him over the ropes. Chelsea Green hits Jarrett in the “slapnuts”, but Mickie James tosses her out of the ring. Aldis counters the Radio Silence into a Sharpshooter, and Cardona taps out.

Jarrett grabs a microphone and rules that Cardona is the winner by disqualification, so he has retained the title.

Winner and still NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion: Matt Cardona

The results of the first night are available here.

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