WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (2/28/22)

Robert Roode w/Tommaso Ciampa vs. Tomasso Ciampa

Ciampa is all over Roode. The fight spills out of the ring. Ciampa puts on the breaks as Roode tries to send him into the barricade. Ciampa blasts Roode with a lariat. Roode surprises Ciampa with a spinebuster. Roode works over Ciampa. Ciampa fires up but misses a running knee. Ziggler gets on the apron and eats a running knee. After a series of reversals, Ciampa rolls up Roode for the win.

Winner- Tommaso Ciampa

After the match, Roode attacks Ciampa from behind. Ziggler superkicks Ciampa. Ziggler grabs a mic and says the Dirty Dawgs are going to teach NXT Champion Bron Breakker and Ciampa a lesson tomorrow night on NXT.

Dana Brooke and Reggie vs. Tamina and Akira Tozawa

Brooke sends Tamina into the corner. Brooke charges in and eats an elbow. Tozawa tags itself in. Reggie and Tozawa flip all-around the ring. Tozawa goes after Brooke, Reggie hits his whoopie cushion finish for the win.

Winners- Dana Brooke and Reggie

After the match, Brooke plants a huge kiss on Reggie. Tamina does the same to Tozawa… for reasons unknown.

In-Ring Segment: The Mysterios

Mysterio notes that they accepted Miz’s challenge for a match at WrestleMania. Miz still had to get his after and attack them in the ring. Dominik says they aren’t worried about a Hollywood-mega dumbass and a fanboy. The Miz interrupts and runs down all of his accolades. Miz notes that when he dropped Mysterio with the Skull Crushing Finale he heard some cheers. Maybe he is finally getting the respect he deserves around here. Miz and Logan Paul are global and bigger than the Mysterios because they are awesome.

The Hurt Business vs. The Mysterios

Benjamin and Alexander work over Mysterio. Dominik gets a tag. Dominik lands a flurry of offense. Mysterio takes out Alexander with a diving rana to the outside. Miz tries to pull Dominik out of the ring. Mysterio takes off after Miz. Benjamin rolls up Dominik for the win.

Winners- The Hurt Business


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