Tomasso Ciampa vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ciampa and Ziggler trade headlock. Ziggler tries a superkick but Ciampa avoids it. Ciampa almost hits a running knee, this leads to a staredown. Ziggler takes Ciampa down and lands a flurry of punches. Ziggler works over Ciampa, focusing his assault on his previously injured neck. Ciampa fights out of Ziggler’s choke and lands a series of chops. Ciampa blasts Ziggler with a couple of clotheslines. Roaring elbow by Ciampa. Ziggler tries the Zig Zag but Ciampa hooks the ropes. Ziggler ends up out of the ring. When Ziggler tries to get back in the ring, Ciampa destroys him with a running knee strike. Ziggler is sent flying.
After the break, Ziggler is working a chin lock. Ciampa and Ziggler trade strikes. Ciampa catapults Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Clothesline by Ciampa. Ciampa stomps Ziggler in the corner. Before Ciampa can land a running knee, Ziggler hits a dropkick. Ciampa knocks Ziggler into the ropes. Ziggler hits a fameasser. Ciampa kicks out. Ciampa hits a powerbombmb into a lungblower. Ziggler kicks out. Ziggler sits ups and gets obliterated by a running knee strike. Before the three count, Ziggler gets his foot on the bottom rope. The fight spills outside the ring.
Ziggler finally lands the Zig Zag out on the floor. Ciampa’s arm is hurt. Ciampa is clutching at it, writhing in pain. Ziggler eats another knee strike. Ciampa tries to set up the Fairytale Ending but he can’t hook Ziggler’s arm. Ziggler and Ciampa fight outside the ring. As the referee is distracted by Ziggler, a masked cameraman hits Ciampa with a camera. Ciampa stumbles into the ring. Ziggler hits a Superkick for the win.
Winner- Dolph Ziggler
After the match, the Cameraman is revealed to be Robert Roode. Roode and Ziggler stomp Ciampa. Breakker hits the ring to make the save. Breakker challenges Roode and Ziggler to a tag match next week or they can find their ball and fight right now. Ziggler and Roode rush the ring and the brawl continues.
What was that?!?#WWENXT @NXTCiampa @HEELZiggler
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) February 23, 2022
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