MLW Fusion Alpha 12/1
Image Credit: MLW

MLW Fusion: ALPHA Results (12/1/21): 2021 Opera Cup Finals

A brief vignette announces that nZo (Enzo Amore) will debut next week. Later, the broadcast team confirms that he’ll face Matt Cross.

Backstage, Cesar Duran uses a key to enter the room where he’s keeping his brother. roo

Opera Cup Finals: Davey Richards vs. TJP

In a pre-match promo, TJP makes it clear that he never loses two matches in a row, so while Richards beat him in their first encounter, that outcome won’t be the case this time. Meanwhile, Richards emphasizes that he likes violence. “Steel sharpens steel, so we’re gonna find out who has the sharper blade,” Richards says.

TJP and Richards feel each other out with some holds early on. The match is a stalemate in the opening minutes. TJP wrenches Richards’ leg, but a rope-break saves the fan-favorite veteran. The two men wage war for several minutes, and TJP continues to aggressively target Richards’ wounded leg. They’e throwing everything they have at each other, and a nasty clothesline from “The American Wolf” leaves both men down. They get back to their feet and trade blows. Richards blasts TJP with a dragon screw.

The American Wolf locks in the Trailer Hitch and wrenches the leg, but TJP later takes control again. Richards howls like a wolf and hits a diving double stomp. Another diving stomp earns Richards a two count. A Brainbuster still can’t put TJP away. In the end, Richards makes TJP tap out to the ankle lock.

Winner: Davey Richards

Cesar Duran comes to the ring to give Richards the trophy. The victor celebrates this remarkable triumph and grabs a microphone. Richards says he sees the fans as the only family he’s ever known. He notes that the fans have always been there for him. He dedicates the win to Philadelphia for being there for him and promises to give the fans their money’s worth.

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