WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/22/21)

In-Ring Segment: Bianca Belair

Belair says she proved that she is the EST because she was the sole survivor. Belair adds that maybe Doudrop will finally go on about her business.

Bianca Belair vs. Tamina w/Natalya

Belair hits a series of dropkicks. Suplex by Belair. Belair lands a handspring into a standing moonsault for a near fall. Tamina kicks out. Tamina manages to superkick Belair. Samoan drop by Tamina. Belair kicks out. Tamina accidentally runs into the ring post. Belair hits the KOD for the win.

Winner- Bianca Belair

After the match, Natalya attacks Belair from behind. Belair kicks Natalya out of the ring. Doudrop appears out of nowhere and clubs Belair from behind. Doudrop flattens Belair with a low crossbody.

In-Ring Segment: Seth Rollins

Rollins crows about being the sole survivor for Team RAW. Rollins lead team RAW to victory. The best part? Rollins did it all by himself. Rollins runs down the rest of Team RAW. Bálor inturupts. The two brawl. Bálor lands a dive. Rollins drops Bálor on the barricade. Rollins throws Bálor all over the outside area.

Bálor crawls over to the barricade. Rollins stomps Bálor against the barricade. Rollins hits Bálor in the head with the ring steps. Before Bálor can respond, Rollins lands the Stomp. Rollins starts to leave, but turns around and Stomps Bálor again.

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