WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/15/21)

The Street Profits vs. The Alpha Academy 

Ford and Gable trade strikes and pin attempts. Ford catches Gable with a high-angle dropkick. Dawkins tags in and suplexes Ford on top of Gable. Dawkins lands a splash of his own. Otis tags in and attacks Dawkins from behind. Ford lands a dive that takes out Gable. Otis body blocks Ford into the barricade. Dawkins charges in and eats a lariat from Otis. After the break, Gable rolls Dawkins into a half crab.

Gable tags in Otis, who continues the beat down. Gable misses a moonsault. Dawkins hits a spinning neck breaker. Dawkins and Gable both make tags. Ford tries clothesline after clothesline but Otis won’t go down. Ford tries a dive but Otis turns it into a front slam. Dawkins breaks up the pin. Ford rolls through a splash by Gable into a pin for the win.

Winners- The Street Profits

Nikki A.S.H w/Rhea Ripley. vs Queen Zelina w/Carmella

Nikki is all over Queen Zelina, but can’t keep her down for a three count. Queen Zelina sends Nikki into the corner. Queen Zelina catches Nikki with a running knee for a near fall. Rear chin lock by Queen Zelina. Nikki fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Michinoku driver by Nikki. Queen Zelina kicks out. After a distraction from Carmella, Queen Zelina hits Code Red for the win.

Winner- Queen Zelina

Rhea Ripley w/Nikki A.S.H. vs Carmella w/Queen Zelina

Carmella puts on her face (lol) and catches Ripley with a superkick. Carmella mocks Ripley. Ripley fires up and beats the hell out of Carmella. Ripley lands strike after strike, followed by a nasty basement dropkick. Ripley hits the Riptide for the win.

Winner- Rhea Ripley

Backstage, Adam Pearce tells Big E to stay away from the Owens/Bálor match. If Big E doesn’t believe Pearce, just remember what Pearce did to Brock Lesnar.

Finn Bálor vs. Kevin Owens

Owens stomps Bálor. Bálor tries to get to his feet but Owens sends him back down to the mat. Senton by Owens. Owens works over Bálor. Bálor fires up and sends Owens out of the ring. Bálor flattens Owens with a dive. After the break, Owens hits a senton off the second rope. Bálor kicks out. Bálor hits the final cut. Owens kicks out. Bálor stomps Owens. Bálor tries a splash but gets picked out of the air. Owens hits a modified air raid crash. Bálor kicks out again.

Owens tries a Stunner but Bálor escapes and hits a sling blade. Bálor calls for the shotgun dropkick. Ownes counters with a superkick. Owens tries to piledriver Bálor on the apron. Bálor reverses it into a back body drop. Bálor shotgun dropkicks Owens into the barricade. Bálor brings Owens back in the ring. Bálor misses the double stomp. Owens gets a near fall after a sit-out pop-up powerbomb. Owens hits the Stunner for the win.

Winner- Kevin Owens

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