WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/15/21)

Backstage, Bianca Belair goes off on Doudrop. Belair says She doesn’t want to take anything away from Doudrop but she is all up in Belair’s business. Tamina walks in and says tonight Belair is her business. Belair tells Tamina that she was hoping for Doudrop but Tamina will do.

Backstage, Finn Bálor finds Owens. Bálor tells Owens he would have told Owens to his face last week that he doesn’t trust him. Tonight, Bálor and Owens will go one-on-one. Owens tells Bálor that he’s sorry for Bálor’s luck tonight and that’s not a lie.

Bianca Belair vs. Tamina

Belair takes an early advantage, landing 10 punches in the corner. Tamina catches Belair with a clothesline. Backstage, Doudrop is watching the match from a monitor. Tamina works a rear chin lock. Belair fights to her feet but eats an elbow from Tamina. Tamina continues working over Belair. Belair backflips out of a suplex by Tamina.

Belair blasts Tamina with a spinebuster. Tamina kicks out. Tamina superkicks Belair. Taina goes up top for a splash. Belair bodyslams Tamina off the top. Belair tries a handspring moonsault but Tamina gets her knees up. Tamina misses a strike and Belair hits the KOD for the win.

Winner- Bianca Belair

Doudrop walks out on the stage and says after Survivor Series, she’ll be looking for Belair. Belair tells Doudrop let’s go right now.

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch plays footage of what SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair said about her last week. Lynch says she is going to remind Flair who the hell she is. She used to be Flair’s best friend but she realized that Flair’s friendship comes with conditions. Flair is just a rip-off of someone else. Lynch has reinvented herself over and over again and she is the biggest star in wrestling today. This isn’t about brand supremacy, this is about more.

Lynch promises to beat the piss out of Flair. Liv Morgan inturupts and says she won’t be ignored. Lynch says she knew this was going to happen so she pulled some footage. The footage was of Morgan talking about the message Lynch gave her when she left last year. Lynch calls Morgan a bum. Morgan calls Lynch a bitch. Lynch tries the ManHandle Slam but Morgan reverses it into a hip toss.

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