WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/30/21)

John Morrison vs. Omos w/ AJ Styles

Morrison tries to spray Omos with the drip stick to no avail. Morrison sticks and moves but Omos plucks him out of the air and pushes him over the top rope. Omos flips Morrison into the top rope. Omos hits a chokeslam for the win.

Winner- Omos

Xavier Woods vs. AJ Styles w/Omos

Woods lands a Russian leg sweep. Styles tries to fire up but Woods kicks him in the knee and hits a step-up senton for a near fall. Woods runs into a kick by Styles. Styles sets up the Phenomenal forearm but Woods rolls out of the ring. Styles lands a baseball slide. Styles brings Woods back into the ring and gets a near fall. Styles focuses his assault on Woods’ leg. Woods fires up and bombards Styles with a flurry of offense. Woods slaps his leg to get the feeling back in it. Styles knees his way out of a suplex. Woods escapes the Styles’ Clash. Woods lands a tree of woe dropkick for a near fall. Styles rolls Woods into the Calf Crusher. Woods struggles to get to the ropes. Woods taps out.

Winner- AJ Styles

Before Styles and Omos can leave, Riddle and Orton make their entrance for their match, which is next.

RAW Tag Team Championship Match: RK-Bro vs. Bobby Lashley and MVP

Riddle tries to jump-start on Lashley but is quickly cut off. Lashley suplexes Riddle with one arm. MVP tags in and works over Riddle. Orton and Riddle double-team MVP. Orton flips Riddle onto MVP. MVP rolls out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Lashley checks on MVP. Riddle surprises them with a springboard floating bro. After the break, MVP is working over Riddle. Riddle manages to tag in Orton, who unleashes on MVP with strike after strike. MVP manages to catch Orton with a boot. MVP runs right into a snap powerslam by Orton. Orton calls for the RKO. Lashley tries to get in the ring but Orton surprises him with hangman’s DDT.

MVP catches Orton with a Mafia kick. Lashley and MVP beatdown Orton. Riddle gets the tag and hits a ripcord knee on Lashley. Riddle lands the Floating Bro. MVP stomps on Riddle’s foot to break up the pin. Outside the ring, Lashley tries to drive Orton into the ring post but Orton reverses it. Omos tries to attack Orton outside the ring, but Riddle makes the save. Orton suplexes Styles on the announce desk. Riddle knees MVP in the face. Riddle hit the Floating Bro for the win.

Winners and STILL RAW Tag Team Champions, RK-Bro!

After the match, Lashley Spears Riddle. Lashley calls for the Hurt Lock but Orton drops him with an RKO.




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