WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/30/21)

During a digital exclusive, Goldberg says his son’s shoulder is all messed up after Lashley put him in the Hurt Lock. Goldberg says his objective has changed, It’s not about the WWE Championship anymore. Goldberg is coming to rip Bobby Lashley’s soul out of his chest.

Eva Marie vs. Doudrop

Marie turns around and Doudrop attacks her from behind. Doudrop slams Marie. Doudrop hits a low crossbody. The bell hasn’t rung yet, so there can’t be a pin. Doudrop counts the pin herself. The referee announces that Marie can’t continue. Doudrop announces herself as the winner of the match.

No Contest

Backstage, Charlotte Flair says she’s going to slay Nia Jax tonight.

Karrion Kross vs. Humberto Carrillo

Kross sends Carrillo into the corner.  Carrillo hits a crossbody for a near fall. Carrillo lands a few strikes. Kross runs over Carrillo with a lariat. Kross tosses Carrillo into the corner. Carrillo tries to fire up but Kross hits the Doomsday Saito. Kross locks  Carrillo in the Kross Jacket. Carrillo taps out.

Winner- Karrion Kross

Nia Jax vs. Charlotte Flair

As soon as the bell rings Jax charges at Flair. Flair rolls out of the ring. Flair tells Jax she’s on her time. Flair slaps Jax in the back of the head. Jax dares Flair to hit the ropes. Flair does, but she kicks Jax in the knee. Flair tries to suplex Jax but she can’t get her off the ground. Headbutt by Jax. Jax lifts Flair up for a Samoan drop. Flair escapes but Jax body blocks Flair into the ropes. Jax calls for a running hip attack. Flair moves out of the way. Jax shoulder blocks Flair. Jax works over Flair. Flair traps Jax in a dragon sleeper using the ropes. Flair stuns Jax on the second rope.  After the break, the match gets chippy and it devolves into what looks to be a series of potatoes by both women. Flair targets Jax’s knee. Jax hits a Samoan Drop for the win.

Winner- Nia Jax

Backstage, Morrison says he was supposed to face Miz tonight but he’s nowhere to be found. Morrison wants to prove he is the bigger man, but since Miz isn’t here he asked for a match against the biggest man he knows. The camera pans and Omos is standing there. Omos tells Morrison it sucks to be him.

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