WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (8/24/21)

During a backstage interview, Carmello Hayes says tonight is a big opportunity for him. He’s competing for the title match of his choice. No one else can say that. Hayes doesn’t believe himself to be an underdog. If anything. he’s the overdog. Anyone who says this is too much, too soon doesn’t understand how much work he put into this. Hayes puts over his opponent tonight, Oddessy Jones. Hayes says at the end of the road you’ll see him with championship gold.

Backstage, Indi Hartwell says she couldn’t be happier with her engagement to Dexter Lumis. When McKenzie asks if they set a date, Lumis hands her an invite that says they are getting married on Sept 14th, 2021

Gigi Dollan and Jacy Jane vs. Kayden Carter and Kaci Catanzaro 

After a bit of back and forth, Carter and Catanzaro hit their combo neck breaker/ 450 splash finish for the win.

Winner- Kayden Carter and Kaci Catanzaro

Backstage, Odessy Jones says tonight is the biggest match of his career. Jones says his positivity comes from him knowing he has to push through the bad to get to the good. Being in WWE after being in college football is a whole new ballgame. He calls himself Odessey because it’s all about his energy. Jones says he does know what the future holds for him. Jones puts over Hayes and says he has to win tonight.

Kay Lee Ray vs. Valentina Feroz

Ray is in total control. Feroz tries to fire up but Rae hits a Gory Bomb for the win.

Winner- Kay Lee Ray

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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