WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/23/21)

The Miz w/Morrison vs. Xavier Woods

Miz works over Woods. Miz dives off the top but Woods moves out of the way. Miz lands on his feet but his knee buckles. The referee checks on Miz.  Miz sneak attacks Woods. Woods kicks Miz in the leg, then hits a step-up senton. Miz rolls out of the ring. Woods misses a  dropkick. Miz sends Woods into the barricade. Morrison uses the drip stick to wet the floor around the ring steps. Miz tries to send Woods on the DIY slip-n-slide but Woods reverses it and slides Miz into the ring steps.

After the break, Miz misses a clothesline in the corner. Woods lands a rope hand neck breaker. Woods lands a diving dropkick through the ropes.  Tope by Woods. Woods sends Miz back into the ring. Woods gets a near fall after a crossbody off the top. Woods hits the ropes. Miz kicks Woods in the knee and hits a DDT. Miz sets up up the Skull Crushing  Finale but  Morrison gets on the apron and tries to spray  Woods with the drip stick.

Woods ducks. Miz rolls up Woods but the referee is distracted by Morrison being on the apron. Miz has Woods down for about a six-count. Woods kicks out when the referee finally starts to count. Miz is confused. Woods rolls up Woods for the win.

Winner-  Xavier Woods

After the match, Morrison tries to apologize. Miz tells Morrison to get the drip sticks. Miz and Morrison spray the crowd. Miz attacks Morrison from behind. Miz leaves Morrison laying after a Skull Crushing  Finale.


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