WWE NXT Takeover Results

WWE NXT TakeOver 36 Results (8/22/21)

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Raquel Gonzalez (c) vs. Dakota Kai

Kai slaps Gonzalez. Gonzalez slams  Kai into the ring post. Gonzalez counters a corner boot with a lariat that Kai narrowly avoids. Kai traps Gonzalez in an armbar. Gonzalez escapes and lands a scorpion kick. Kai rolls out of the ring. Gonzalez tosses Kai all over the ring. Kai tries a crossbody off the top but Gonzalez rolls through and press slams Kai on the top rope. Suplex by Gonzalez. Kai surprises Gonzalez with a running boot in the corner. Gonzalez falls out of the ring. Kai struggles to get Gonzalez back in the ring. Gonzalez kicks out. Rope hang codebreaker by Kai.

Gonzalez kicks out again. Sidewalk slam by Gonzalez. Gonzalez hits a twisting Vader Bomb. Gonzalez almost hits her powerbomb but Kai turns it into a hanging armbar. Gonzalez swings Kai into the ring post to break the hold. Gonzalez counters a scorpion kick into a spinning powerbomb. Kai hits a ranna bomb for a near fall. Gonzalez dumps Kai over the top rope onto the walkway. Gonzalez runs into a superkick but Gonzalez tells Kai to give her more. Kai hits the Kairopractor. Gonzalez kicks out.

Kai screams at Gonzalez. Gonzalez lifts Kai for a powerbomb but Kai sends Gonzalez out of the ring. Kai lands a double stomp off the top. Gonzalez kicks out again. Kai tries to lift up Gonzalez for the GTK but she can’t get her off the ground. Gonzalez drives Kai into the top turnbuckle. Gonzalez ends up sitting on the top rope. Kai tries to sneak in a Yakuza Kick but Gonzalez catches Kai’s foot and lifts her up to the top rope. Gonzalez hits a one-armed powerbomb off the top for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Raquel Gonzalez!

After the match, Kay Lee Ray walks out on the stage. Ray wants the NXT Women’s Championship.

WWE NXT TakeOver 36 Results Continue On The Next Page!


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