WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/26/21)

Riddle vs. John Morrison w/The Miz

Morrison lands a few strikes. Riddle responds with a suplex. Riddle charges in but ends up eating a dropkick from Morrison. Riddle counters Morrison’s suplex with a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Miz sprays Riddle with the dipstick. Riddle PKs Miz off the apron. Miz ends up on his back in his wheelchair like a turtle. Riddle mocks Miz.

After the break, Riddle hits a springboard floating bro to the outside of the ring. Riddle sends Morrison back into the ring. AJ Styles and Omos make their way to ringside. Morrison surprises Riddle with a dropkick. Riddle fires up and hits a ripcord knee followed by a powerbomb for a near fall. Styles hands Riddle’s scooter to Omos, who snaps it in two. Morrison hits a spinning crucifix into a uranage. Morrison lands Starship Pain for the win.

Winner- John Morrison

Styles gets in the ring and gives Riddle the Styles Clash. Riddle is out cold.

24/7 Championship Match: Reginald (c) vs. R-Truth

R-Truth is mesmerized by Reginald flipping into the ring. R-Truth is wearing a mic during the match. R-Truth grabs Reginald by his coat. R-Truth flips out of his coat. R-Truth throws Reginald’s coat in his face. Reginald hits his front flip whoopie cushion for the win.

Winner and STILL Champion, Reginald!

The rest of the 24/7 field runs down to the ring. Reginald does a no-hands cartwheel out of the ring. Everyone is very, very confused as to how he managed to stick that landing.

Nikki A.S.H. vs. Charlotte Flair

Flair clotheslines Nikki. Flair tosses Nikki out of the ring. Flair mocks Nikki as she works her over. Nikki tries to fire back but is quickly cut off by Flair. Cross surprises Flair with a few roll ups. Flair kicks out. Nikki takes Flair over with a head scissors. Flair falls out of the ring. Nikki follows. Flair grabs Nikki by the head and tosses her over the announce desk. After the break, Flair is working over Nikki.

Nikki manages to hit a crossbody off the apron. Nikki sends Flair back in the ring. Flair tries a big boot but she gets caught in the ropes. Sunset flip by Nikki. Flair powers out of it. Nikki hits a bulldog for a two count. Flair lights Nikki up with chop after chop. Flair sits Nikki on the top rope. Nikki lands a tornado DDT. Nikki hits a crossbody but Flair rolls through and pins Nikki.

Winner- Charlotte Flair

After the match, Flair mocks Nikki. Flair tells Nikki no one is in her league. Nikki grabs a mic and says she said “almost superhero”. Nikki knows that she almost won. She has the confidence that she can beat Flair. Nikki challenges Flair to another match next week. Flair accepts. Flair puts her hand out for a handshake. Nikki goes for it and gets decked. Flair boots Nikki in the face twice. Flair stands over Nikki, who is clutching at her face.




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